ISO 400, f/9, 1/160s, 18-55mm lens w/10x macro filter on Nikon D40
I think I mentioned how cold and rainy it has been here the past few days. Well, this afternoon the sun kept peeking out in all its glory from behind some passing clouds. It was still chilly, but nice enough to get outside and search for something to photograph. When I walked down to get the boys off the bus, I noticed these gladiolus flowers are starting to bloom on my bank. Better late than never, right?
As I approached them, I saw that this teeny tiny spider had spun her web on them. I spent quite a bit of time trying to photograph her. Macro photography is hard enough, but throw in a couple rambunctious boys and a dog trying to get my attention, and the occasional breeze ... well it is nearly impossible then!
I'm sure the people passing by in their cars thought I was crazy to have my camera inches away from that flower. If only they could see what I was seeing. :)

Wow! Totally worth it. Incredible details.
Beautiful work Kimberly. I love the sense of soft green to everything.
I'm glad I live out in the sticks and don't have any nearby neighbors, because I can look really crazy when taking photos. Laying on the ground, etc... :)
Very cool spider -- so delicate. The web in the background looks amazing.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I truly appreciate it.
Great shot. So beautiful.
Love, love, LOVE it!! I don't think I've gotten a single spider this year. So jealous! :)
Worth all of the trouble. The detail is amazing!
Amazing detail!
(And kudos on getting close enough to capture it!) :)
Love the tones - great detail!
Amazing detail! She's pretty (for a spider!)
That's what I love about macro!! The gorgeous details that I would normally not even be able to see! I understand about people laughing, my neighbor has gotten quite used to me lying on the grownd or bending over in weird contortions!!
It is always kind of funny to think what other's are thinking based upon what they see! Great shot! I'm sure that was difficult to get.
Love that shot!
Wonderful capture! Love the lil' eyes! =P
What an awesome shot...who cares what anyone thinks, us photographers have to do what we have to do :D. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.
Bright blessings,
Spiders aren't my favorite, but I love how you captured this particular little bugger...
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