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Friday, January 13, 2012

Fitness Friday Update

Since making a new commitment to myself and my health on January 4th (better late then never, right?), I've been pretty consistent in working out and eating healthier.  

I've done The Shred DVD level 1 for 7 days now.  I skipped Sunday (on purpose), but did some Wii Fit.  I skipped Tuesday because the weather was too beautiful to stay inside; instead I went for a walk, with a little running, on the bike trail.  And today I've shoveled snow three times, done the Wii Fit and some Just Dance, went for a walk through the woods with Keira and Alex, and plan to do more Just Dance with the kids this evening.  Instead of popcorn and movie night, we are having a Wii night.  :)   Boy, my shoulders are going to be hurting tomorrow.

As far as eating goes, this is day 10 of not eating sweets.  I haven't eliminated sugar completely because I like to have a little to sweeten my hot tea, but I haven't eaten any chocolate, cookies, cake, etc. for 9 whole days!  Plus I've been more aware of what I'm eating as far as breads/carbs goes.  I'm making an effort to eat less.  So if I have a sandwich for lunch, I'll be careful to not eat carbs at dinner.  

I'm also taking advantage of this griddle that Nick got for me for Christmas.  The other side is like a grill.  So we've grilled shrimp and chicken on it so far.  It tastes just as good as if I cooked it outside on the gas grill but I don't have to freeze in this weather.  :)  Plus it is so much better to grill than to add breading and bake.  If you saw yesterday's post, you might have noticed that I didn't eat the healthiest.  That was the only day like that.  And of course it would have to be the day that I document my day by taking pictures.  :)

One bad habit that I need to break is eating before bed.  I'm usually hungry and will grab a small bowl of cereal.  Or sometimes, even if I'm not hungry, it has become such a habit that I'll eat anyway.  Not good!   Definitely need to break that bad habit!

So I'm making some changes ... need to make some more.  But the Wii Fit says I've lost 2.8 pounds in 7 days.  And my Wii Fit age is 29!  Down from 32 a week ago, which was still awesome!  :)  Yay!

Now I'm off to do some Just Dance with the kids.  You Can't Touch This!  :)
Have a healthy weekend!


Melissa said...

I picked up Just Dance 3 for me today! WOOHOO! I can't wait to go home & get my wii hooked up & get started! My friend Wendy is loaning me her Wii Fit. I hope i get it soon!

You've been quite active! And i have heard that if you are trying to limit your carbs that a good idea is to make sure if you have a sandwich for lunch, not to have any bread at dinner. So that's smart thinking! :)

I am sweetening my coffee with splenda, but saying no to soft drinks, chips, bread (except occasionally good bread for sandwiches - but i haven't had a sandwich this week!), cake, cookies, candy, etc. It's that time of month so i can't tell if i've lost yet. Earlier this week it showed i had lost a bit. So we'll see!

diane said...

Good for you! Keep up the good work.
I'm "trying" to eat healthy, too. I'm surprised at how difficult it is ... LOL!
I have got to get myself a Wii!
Happy Shooting!

Jill said...

GOOD job!!

Katie said...

Great job Kim! You are really being active and making big changes, so awesome!

Gretchen said...

Wonderful work!! It sounds like you are having fun too... which is most important in making it a lifelong change!! So... Just Dance. You're kids like it? I thought about getting one of those for us to "play" with, but haven't yet.

Michelle said...

Good for you, Kimberly! Set a goal...and work your butt off to meet it. ;)