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Friday, February 4, 2011

The Power Based Life book review

Recently I had the opportunity to read Mike Flynt's book, The Power Based Life, for BookSneeze.

The back of the book reads:
"The two greatest days in our lives are the day we're born 
and the day we realize what we were born for.

Do you know what you were born for?  For years Mike Flynt -- a college football player turned insurance salesman -- certainly didn't.  Then one monumental day he stumbled into what he now believes is the career he was made for and, in turn, the life he was meant to live. ........  Find true meaning in your work and how you can impact the world by strengthening your body, mind, and spirit."

My take on the book:
I really enjoyed reading this book.  Mr. Flynt writes in a very down-to-earth, understandable manner.  He mixes his life stories in along with Bible references and a bit of humor to teach you what he's learned throughout his 60+ years of life on this earth.  While nothing that he wrote was earth-shattering or brand new, I still have a bunch of pages marked that either had a story that I thoroughly enjoyed or that referenced something that I thought could help myself and/or a friend.  I highly recommend this book.

(I was provided this book from Thomas Nelson's BookSneeze in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.)

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