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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

14 years ... and counting

Today Doug and I have been married for 14 years.  We've been together a total of 21 years.  That is more than half my life!  No wonder I can't imagine my life without him.

I wish I had a picture of us that I could post, but he's been working so much lately, we haven't had a chance to try to take one.  Hopefully this weekend when he actually has 3 days off in a row!  We're going to lunch on Monday.  Alone.  Without kids.  Thanks, Jody!

It was a rather uneventful anniversary.  Doug worked 7 p.m. yesterday until noon today so he basically slept all day.  His shift was over at 7 a.m. but they had a company meeting this morning.

Funny story about that ... his boss was talking about texting during work and meetings ... how you shouldn't do it.  Just as he was saying that, Doug's phone rang with a text from me.  I just sent him a quick text once I got to Bible study that said "Happy anniversary ... I love you".  That was the first chance I got to do it.  Oops!  He said he just laughed when it came through.  And he never did answer me.  We got a good chuckle out of that this evening.

We spent about an hour together this evening ... watching NCIS: Los Angeles.  He's not much into talking when he's working midnight shift.  He just left for work and I'm going to fold a load of laundry, then read a bit and go to bed.

But we are celebrating our anniversary on December 3 with a nice dinner at Clifford's Restaurant and then going to do some Christmas shopping afterwards.  I am sooooo looking forward to it!  Clifford's is our once-a-year splurge, since we drop about $100 for the two of us to eat (tip included).  But the food is extraordinary.   Really, really, really good!


Melissa said...

Happy anniversary! Can't wait to hear about your date to Clifford's!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!!

Laura said...

Did I know that you guys dated for so long before getting married!? If I did I forgot. You guys dated longer than I've been married. Geez hahaha.

Too funny about the text!

And happy anniversary.