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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Girl Talk Hop: $500

It's blog hop time over at Girl Talk once again.  Today's topic is a fun question:  You have just been given $500. You have 24 hours to spend it and you can only spend it on yourself. How do you spend it?

That's a tough one.  There are so many things I would like to have.  Such as this:

A 55-300mm Nikon lens.  Yeah, I know I just got an 18-105mm lens, but I have been trying so hard to take pictures of birds and it is hard to get close enough, even with my 55-200mm lens, to get a clear shot.  Especially once I crop.  So a stronger zoom would be good.  I found it on Ebay for $399.

Or this:

A Silhouette die cutting machine.  I just sold my Cricut die cutter, so you might be wondering why I would want another machine.  Well, the Cricut didn't do what I wanted it to, but from what I've read about the Silhouette, it will.   I found this on Ebay starting at $210; the retail price is $299.

So I realize I could only get one or the other and then I would have money left over.  So assuming I got the lens and had $101 left over (love free shipping!), I would go get a much needed massage, which, if I went to Laura's massage lady (who she highly recommends), would cost $65.

That would leave me with $36.  Just enough for pizza money for the family.  

I know I am supposed to spend it on myself, but that is for me too because I wouldn't have to cook.  And that's always a good thing.  :)

1 comment:

Laura said...

Spending it on pizza so you didn't have to cook is DEFINITELY spending it on yourself!

I still need to get my massage that Mike told me I could have as a birthday gift! Need to call that in haha. Would help to know a night he will be home at a decent time. Although now that it is dark earlier any night should work.