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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

4-mile run

I decided to run outside today since the weather has been a bit warmer than usual.  Although the sun was covered by a crazy fog this morning.  But it was still fine.  I didn't have to wear my sunglasses while running.

When I was leaving the gym, I said to Paul (the guy at the counter) ...

"I'm going to run down to the carousel shelter and back today.  If I'm not back in 45 minutes ..."

He interrupted with, "I'll call 9-1-1."  He cracks me up.

I just wanted someone to know where I was.  Just in case.

So I ran to the carousel shelter and back.   On the way down I passed a girl that I've talked to a couple times at the gym.  Her name is Jody and she's a runner.  We've talked about running together sometime.  So when I passed her (she was on her way back), I thought to myself that we should have gotten together this morning.  But she obviously got there earlier than I did.

When I got back to the gym, Wendy at the front desk asked me how my run was.  I was pretty much out of breath so I just said good and gave her a thumbs up.  I asked Paul how far it was to the shelter and back.  Turns out it is 4 miles.  I was beginning to wonder since it seemed to be taking me a while.  So I was glad to know that it was longer than I usually run ... otherwise I'm in pretty bad shape.

When I got to the locker room, Jody was just getting out of the shower.  We talked for a few minutes about getting together to run.  We decided that Monday would work for both of us.  So as long as there are no sick kids for either of us and the weather isn't totally crappy, Jody and I are going to run together.  Cool, huh?  

I've only run with Keira outside, so this should be interesting.  Laura and I have walked the park before, but I don't think we've ever run outside together.  Not that I can remember anyway.  We've just run together inside on the treadmills.

I have found that since I started running outside, I hate to run on the treadmill.  It is so easy to just decide you've had enough and stop.  Plus it is pretty boring.  But outside you can't just decide to stop.  Well, you could, but you'd at least have to walk back to your starting point.  Or call someone for a ride.  :)

Paul thinks I wouldn't have lost 22 pounds if I were still running on the treadmill.  I don't know how true that is.  I just know that I prefer outdoors now.

Oh, and I burned 500 calories with this morning's run.  Gotta love that!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow! That's awesome that you ran the four mile route! Go you!