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Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day!!!

Ah, the first snow day of this winter season. What started out as a mere 2-hour delay has become an official snow day. We didn't get the expected 4-8 inches, probably more like 3. (It is really hard to tell since we've been getting so much snow lately, so I'm guessing by how much is on my car this morning.)

But it is coooooooold out there! According to www.weather.com it is 12 degrees, but it feels like -1. Brrrrrrrr!

Keira and Nick were out early to play ... and fight ... and play ... and fight. Well, you get the idea.

Yes, he is wearing safety glasses. Apparently he doesn't want to get a snow flake in his eyes.

Keira fought with Nick about the fact that he was wearing her burgundy hat outside. Hmmm, that doesn't look like burgundy to me.

We have a laundry basket in the basement that is chock full of gloves, mittens, hats, and scarves. So why they need to fight over one particular hat is beyond me. I guess being brother and sister, they feel they must fight about something. Anything. Ugh!

See what I mean? Actually they were just goofing off for the camera here. (BTW, no, I was not outside with them. I was taking pictures from our dining room window. Warm and comfy inside the house. :) )

Nick came back in pretty quickly. Too cold out there for him, I guess.

So today I guess we'll play and watch movies and play some more. Here's hoping for a great day!


Laura said...

That last picture is hilarious!!

kathryn said...

Oh, lovely adorable photos! Everyone looks so happy...and...well-protected!!

(Lovin' the eye gear)

Unknown said...

Thanks, Laura! Sometimes they can have fun together without killing each other. It is even better if I can capture those moments on "film".

Kathryn - thanks! Well-protected! :) The safety glasses are a hoot!