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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday - Anti-procrastination day

Every Wednesday is anti-procrastination day with FlyLady. It is the day that we Flybabies are supposed to do something that we have been putting off.

So I got up this morning wondering what I have been putting off. (The list of what I haven't been putting off is probably shorter, but baby steps.)

Then it hit me ...

Ink cartridges. Sigh.

I know you're thinking huh?

Explanation ...

I'm in charge of the ink cartridge recycling program for PTO for my kids' school. I've had a bunch of ink cartridges hidden (not really) in my basement for way too long. Way. too. long.

Out of sight, out of mind. Whatever.

Doug gave me until the end of November to do something with them or he was just going to pitch them.

Okay, so maybe I just need a kick in the pants to get moving on some things. :)

So today, little by little, 15 minutes (or so) at a time, I went through them. Checked over the list of approved cartridges, threw away the ones not on the list, and packed up the inkjet cartridges to send in.

There are now two boxes ready to be taken to my car and dropped off at UPS tomorrow.

The laser cartridges, unfortunately, had to go back to the basement ... waiting for boxes large enough to ship them in (you need to ship at least 8 per box for them to be accepted).

But at least now I know what I have.

And Doug will be pleased that I have, at least, gotten rid of some of them.

And it turns out that it wasn't such a huge undertaking after all. In total, it took about 1.5 hours and that includes logging on to their website to order boxes.

I wonder what I will do next Wednesday. Hmmmm.

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