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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day Parade

The kids didn't have school today because of the holiday, so the boys and I got up and went to the Y so I could go to aerobics. Nick was excited to be in the play room since he hadn't been there in a while. Keira decided she'd rather stay in bed. Lucky girl.

After aerobics the boys were in the rec. center watching the marchers get ready for the parade. I wasn't planning to go to the parade. I wanted to go home and shower, but the boys talked me into checking it out. So we just left the van in the Y's parking lot and walked a block over to Main St. We got there just as the parade was starting.

I've started carrying my camera with me just about everywhere I go, so I had it with me today. Here are a few pics of our fun ...

This is the same firetruck Alex got to sit in during his Preschool fieldtrip last month. Honoring the veterans.
The boys eagerly awaiting the next group. Notice the little girl is smiling for the camera. :)

Love the bagpipes!
And the shriners! They usually zip around in their little cars, which they did. But this year they also have these cool trucks!
How fun! Now my boys want one!
We switched street sides when we saw my friend, Jody, and her kids. That's Jody behind Nick, holding baby Collin. He got tired of not being able to see from his comfy stroller position.

Alex kept getting mad when someone else would get to the candy before him. It was kind of funny. He has quite the temper. I wonder where he gets that from?

We left shortly before the parade ended because we were cold. After all, I was dressed for aerobics, not for standing out in the wind watching a parade. And I was all sweaty from aerobics, so I'll probably end up with pneumonia next week. :)

But I'm glad we decided to stay. The boys enjoyed the parade and it was nice to be out in the sunshine.

Thanks for stopping by! Until next time ... God bless!

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