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Sunday, November 1, 2009

An extra hour of sleep? Yeah, right!

Many of us have fallen back last night. At precisely 2 a.m. we got up and turned our clocks back an hour, right? Okay, maybe not. I actually turned mine back before I went to bed. But in doing so, I thought to myself ... aaahhh, an extra hour of sleep. How wonderful.


I waited for Doug to get home from work (around 11:30), had a little grown-up time ;), then went to sleep well after midnight. Blissful sleep.

The phone rings at 4:52 a.m. It, of course, wakes me up. I choose to ignore it, then think better of it. After all, it must be important if someone is calling in the middle of the night. I figure it could be 1 of 3 things ...

1. My SIL is in labor and on her way to have baby #2 and wants to drop Jordan off with us.
2. Doug's co-worker, whose wife is pregnant and due any day now, needs to leave midnight shift to get his wife to go have their baby and needs Doug to come in to cover the rest of his shift. Or
3. Doug's co-worker, who is on midnight shift, has a stupid question that can't wait until later and needs to call and bother Doug in the middle of the night.

I bet you can guess which one it was, right? #3!!! The co-worker whose wife is pregnant wasn't on midnight shift (I found out later). Instead it is the co-worker who has been at the plant for 30 years who needs to call my husband (who has been there for only 2.5 years) in the middle of the night to ask him where a part is so he can fix something. Grrr!

Anyway, I get up to see if there is a voicemail (because I ignored the phone in the first place) and there is, so I let Doug listen to it. He calls back and tells him where to find said part, hangs up and complains for a minute, as is his right, then we try to get back to sleep.

Sleep finally comes, then precisely at 7:02 a.m. Nicholas pokes his head into our room to ask me a question. I don't remember the question now, but I told him to go back to bed, which he did not. After all, he went to bed at 10:00 and has had a good night's sleep. In his mind, it is 8:02 a.m. so it is time to get up.

Then, of course, Alex has to get up because Nick got up (monkey see, monkey do). So the two of them are down in the dining room playing (I haven't figured out why they like to play in the dining room!) and their noise is coming right up the stairs into our bedroom (maybe that's why!). Doug goes downstairs, tells them to go into the living room and be quiet, comes back up, closes the door, and crawls back into bed. So again, we try to fall back to sleep.

Sleep finally comes once again, then Keira opens our door to ask me why the clocks downstairs say 8:14 a.m. when hers says 9:14. Geez!

So needless to say, we didn't get to enjoy an extra hour of sleep due to the end of daylight savings time.

It will now take several weeks to adjust to the fact that it is dark by 6:00 p.m. And adjust we will, but not because we want to. :)

I'm going to go take a nap now.


kathryn said...

Great post!

I always go through that adjustment period...where I'll say, "It's 6:03pm...but it's REALLY 7:03pm."

Laura said...

I always end up staying up an extra hour. I shouldn't have though because Jason woke up a little after six. The kids did better today and hopefully by tomorrow we will be back to 7:30-8:00 again.