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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Deja vu all over again ...

Seeing Taylor hugging and kissing Alex at their preschool field trip yesterday reminded me of when Nick started preschool three years ago. Two weeks into the school year a classmate, Allison, was in love with Nick and making wedding plans for them. I created a scrapbook page so I (and he) could remember.

The journaling reads:

From about the second week of preschool, Ms. Bauer informed me that Allison and Nicholas were planning to get married. Allison was busy making wedding plans with the other girls in the class and Nicholas was just going along for the ride.

These photos were not taken at the same time, but they represent to me the relationship that developed between them by the end of the school year ... Nicholas adoring Allison, and Allison being all "whatever!". Will this love/hate relationship last? Only time will tell.

Nicholas talked about Allison until about half way through Kindergarten ~ 1 1/2 years later! He still called her his fiance even though he hadn't seen her or spoken to her in all that time. He has since moved on with his life, and I hope she has also. :)

Alex doesn't seem too interested in Taylor even though she's a cutie pie!

She was trying to play with him this morning when we first got to school and he kept telling her to leave him alone. I feel for Taylor but frankly, I'm glad he has no interest in girls. He is only 3 after all! There will be plenty of time for girls later.

I never would have dreamed that I would have to deal with these issues so soon! What are the teenage years going to be like?! Yoy!

1 comment:

f8hasit said...

My daughter had a friend like that in kindergarten. They did everythig together until 2nd grade. Then they hated each other...annoyed the hell out of each other every. single. day.

It was like they'd been married for years...