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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Project Life ~ Week 15

Despite all the craziness, I managed to get my week 15 pages done.  They are very simple.  And that's okay.  I could always go back and fancy them up later.  I probably won't, but I could.  :)

{2013 - week 15 - left side}

{right side}
And, yeah, I see a typo now that I have my pages posted.  I hate when that happens.  I fixed it but didn't feel like re-uploading.  :)


Still bouncing back and forth between the Seafoam edition and the Kraft edition.  I used a mixture of both this week.  I think.  :)  I lose track when I'm looking around at both.  I really like the look of text on photos, as you may have guessed.

Thanks for stopping by!  Hope you have a great week!

Linking with The Mom Creative for Project Life Tuesday.


Tamar SB said...

Such a fun layout! Love the chevron week card! Happy Tuesday!

Yolanda Ronaldo said...

AH! Was that just plain ol' lemon juice she drank? Yikes!

packmom said...

That violin picture is beautiful and the quote is perfect. Love the mustache journaling card. I'm a big fan of text on photos too which is why digital is so great. Your pages have been turning out so great.

Anonymous said...

What lovely photographs! They are simple straightforward pages but that lets the beauty of the photos take center stage.

Nicole said...

Great layout! I actually really like the simplicity of them. It really lets the stories and photos shine, and you have some really great photos! Those Yoda cake pops look amazing!

Anonymous said...

This looks awesome! Great photos (I love the different angles you shoot from). Those Yoda cake pops are fabulous!

Amarie said...

Hi! I had a question for you (hope you don't mind me asking), but how do you get your Project Life photos so perfectly sized for the 3x4 slots? They look amazing! Every time I try, mine get all skewed and wonky looking lol. Thanks!