ISO 100, f/16, 1/13s, 18-105mm lens
We took the kids to Idlewild yesterday. We usually go in June but couldn't get there until yesterday finally. The weather was GORGEOUS!!! 75ish degrees and mostly sunny. Beautiful!
This photo is of the Round Up ride. It is one of Keira's favorites. I typically steer clear of it, but this year Alex wanted to ride, so I rode it with him. I was literally dizzy when I got off even though I kept my eyes shut most of the time. :) Alex, on the other hand, was smiling from ear to ear the entire time (according to my husband who was watching from the safety of the ground). I thought it would be fun to use a slow shutter speed to show the motion of the ride. I like how it turned out so I'm picking it as this week's favorite photo.

So what did I learn? Something I already knew ... that I should have followed my instincts and shouldn't have stepped foot on the Round Up. I won't make the same mistake next year. :)

Beautifully photographed. Brave lady for going on it. I'd be very sick. ;)
LOVE this!! I'm dreading riding rides like this when the kids need someone to go with them... dreading it!!
Honestly, just looking at that picture makes me sick. I love your shot!
That looks so cool!
Great photo but I too dislike that ride and would be very hard pressed to ever ride it again. You're a good Mom for going on it with your kiddo.
I love this shot! The slow motion capture was a great idea...way to follow instincts photographically.
Cool motion shot, but I agree, even looking at it is making me queasy.
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