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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Missionaries from Ecuador

The last two evenings were spent at my church listening to Ted and Linda Sauve, missionaries to Ecuador.  In a word ... WOW!  God is doing some great things there!

Last night we had a soup and salad dinner, then heard Linda speak about the missions projects she's been involved with.  She works with women from all walks of life, from the very poor to the very wealthy.  The one thing they have in common? ... They all need Jesus.

This evening we listened to Ted speak about a few things that have happened to them since becoming missionaries.  How much churches there are growing and thriving.  And how men and women there are being called of God to lead their own friends and family to Christ.  Afterward we had an ice cream social.  Yeah, our church likes to eat.  :)

The kids got to participate in a few things, which always makes them feel more involved.  So they're not just sitting there listening to someone talk about some place they've never heard of.  They were actually pretty good.  I know it is hard for little ones to sit still and listen.  In fact, last night Alex fell asleep sitting on my lap.  Being almost 5 years old, he hasn't done that in a very long time.  It made my heart happy.  I almost didn't want to wake him when it was time to leave.

Keira took first place in a coloring contest for her age group.  She got a ribbon and a $10 gift card to Dairy Queen.  Just up her alley, since she loves ice cream.  :)

We were told that we are going to be hearing more from Ted and Linda since they are now semi-retired and live locally (sort of - they are about 1.5 hours away).  They travel to Ecuador each year from January through March (to avoid our frigid Pennsylvania winters!), so they are not fully retired.  There's still work to be done.

I really look forward to hearing more from them.


Jenna said...

I want a 10$ gift card to DQ!!! Where can I color? lol way to go Kiera!

Laura said...

Sounds like fun times! I wish my kids would fall asleep on me just one more time each. Awww. I bet your heart loved that!