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Monday, November 8, 2010

Hope ... A Poem by Keira

Keira was getting caught up on some school writing assignments in church Sunday morning.  While I don't usually encourage doing school work during church, I had to share one of the things she wrote.  

The writing prompt was:
Write a poem about a weather phenomenon that captures your personality.

The following is what she wrote:

Sunshine through the trees,
Warming my feet.
Suddenly it’s raining,
Making me downcasted.
Then the sun breaks through
Causing warmth.
The rainbow forms
Shedding color through the rain
Hope is found
Even in the midst of our pains.

I can go from amazingly happy to dreadfully sad in a second.  Then I start to feel hope that I don’t need to be sad for this.

Wow!  Some days I find it hard to believe she is 12 years old.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow! That's really REALLY good. Actually I love it! It should be printed up on a postcard with one of your sunsets or something. :)