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Friday, November 12, 2010

H-H-H-Hat Day!

This week the kids at preschool were learning the letter H.  To finish up the week in a fun way, today was hat day.  Alex's teacher had an assortment of hats for the kids to play with, but each kid was supposed to wear a hat from home.  I tried to talk Alex into wearing the turkey hat I got him a while back, but I couldn't convince him.  He decided to wear Nick's knight costume "hat".

Once we got to school, I managed to get a few pictures of him with different hats on.

The cowboy

 The jester

The fruit hat

The construction worker (this hat was a bit big and heavy - he had trouble keeping it on)

Bob the Builder

I did talk him into taking the turkey hat to school to share with the other kids.  I didn't get a picture of anyone with it on though.  Perhaps for the Thanksgiving feast.

It is too funny.


Laura said...

Great pictures! The fruit hat is hilarious! You could always take a picture of yourself with the turkey hat on so we could all see it. :)

kathryn said...

Lovely photos, sweetie. He is SUCH a cutie. I hope he's getting used to having a camera in his face...I see plenty in his future!