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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bible Quizzing Invitational

This morning at our church Keira and Nick participated in a Bible Quizzing Invitational.  There were over 40 kids from several churches that also participated.  The kids were quizzed on 1 & 2 Samuel, books they've been studying for about 2 months now.  I tagged along and snapped a few pics of them throughout the morning.

Nick waiting for round 2 to start.

Keira getting one of her questions correct.

Nick received a Silver medal.  He was so excited!  He was hoping for at least Bronze.

Keira only missed one question and received a Gold medal.

(I have several more good or funny pictures but they have other kids in them and I didn't ask permission to put them on here, so I'll leave them off.)

I am so proud of Keira and Nick!  They did awesome for their first time quizzing!  And they are pumped about the next time!


Laura said...

Way to go Nick and Keira!

kathryn said...

Oh, congrats to the kiddos. Great job! Wonderful photos, as always Kim!