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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Girl Talk Hop: FALL!

It is blog hop day over at Girl Talk!  Today's topic is your favorite item or thing about FALL.

I have a hard time pinpointing one thing I love about fall.  I love EVERYTHING about fall.  It is absolutely my favorite season.  The gorgeous colors, the crisp air, breaking out the sweaters, not having to shave my legs every day.  :)  What's not to love?!

But if I have to pick something, I'd have to say the beginning of crock pot season.  I know, I know.  You can use your crock pot all year long.  And we do.  But there's just something about soup or stew cooking on the crock pot all day that I just love.  When it is chilly outside but cozy and warm inside, the flavors combining all day, yummy smells wafting throughout the house.  Mmmmmmmm.

Chicken noodle soup.  Roast with potatoes and carrots.  Chili.  Yum!

Okay, now I'm hungry!  Good thing it is almost supper time!  Although we're cooking on the grill tonight.  :)

Stop on over at Girl Talk and tell us your favorite thing about fall, won't you?


Melissa said...


lasturch said...

Okay, girls.... You are totally making me hungry!!!

Laura said...

hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa.... I still shave my legs every day. I just feel better when I do. :)

And now I am going to eat my chicken noodle soup. Thanks!!