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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Not much to say

I've been really busy this week getting ready for a consignment sale ... and not much else is going on, which is why I haven't been blogging.  I have pics of the young'ns to post but they will have to wait until I'm done with the sale preparation.  I tell myself every time that I'm not going to wait until the last minute and then I do.  Ugh!

Actually I had a little debate with myself about the whole thing.  I don't have that many things to sell and I don't really need the money, which is wonderful.  God has truly blessed us!  So because I don't need the money, my incentive for doing all the work is gone.  But I'm doing it this time anyway.  I could use the cash to put toward my laptop fund.
I'm still chugging along training for the 5K.  I'm up to 2.75 miles straight running this week.  I decided to start running the distance instead of the time (28 minutes according to the Couch to 5K schedule) because some days I take it easy and don't run far enough.  2.75 miles seems considerably longer than 2.5 miles for some reason.  This is hard work!  It took me about 30 minutes to run 2.75 miles today - better than my time on Monday.  Hopefully Friday will be even faster.

And I've picked a 5K to run ... it takes place May 22.  So now I at least have a goal to work toward.  I'm going to spend the next couple weeks working up to 3.1 miles (5K) and then work on improving my time.

Once I do this 5K, I will probably join a team for a triathlon in July.  How cool is that?!

While I was running today I was thinking back to almost 2 years ago when I joined the gym.  I was doing intervals (walking 1 lap and running 1 lap, etc.) and had a really hard time running 1 lap (a quarter mile).  And now I'm running 2.75 miles!  Wow!

And I'm on day 10 of no sugar.  I've had a headache every day so I'm thinking it is withdrawals and it will pass.  This is also hard but I've lost another 2 pounds in those 10 days.  That puts me down a total of 12!  Woo hoo!

As Forrest Gump would say - that's all I have to say about that.



Anonymous said...

That is so exciting, Kim! :-) Who knew that cutting out one little substance could do so much for someone's body? (well, of course, that particular one everyone knows they shouldn't eat, but it's still fascinating).

Laura said...

Everytime I stop eating sugar I drop 2-4 pounds in a week... that's why I don't eat it hahaha.

WAAAIIIITTTTT!!! I was just going May 22. May 22? in my head and it seemed like something was up. I just remembered I have to go to a wedding that day. :( Will have to check the times and see if I can swing both. Grr. Did you already register!????

kathryn said...

Honey, I am so, so proud of you! 12lbs? Running over 2 miles?? Unbelievable....you are my HERO!

And a triathalon?? Fuggetaboutit!