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Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm back, Baby!


After a whole week of not getting to the gym due mostly to the weather, I was able to get there today. And it felt so good!

I didn't get there in time for aerobics because my dear husband called me this morning to tell me that he accidentally wore 1 brown boot and 1 black boot to work today and could I please bring him the other black boot. I laughed and told him no one would care that his boots didn't match. And while he agreed, he said that the boot soles were different heights and they were throwing his back off.

(Not that I minded taking his boot to him ... I just needed to tease him a little).

So Alex and I took Daddy his boot. I didn't really want to do strength training anyway. I really, really needed some cardio intervals.

I walked the track for a few (actually almost 15) minutes with Kiersten and Jenn because all the crossramp machines were being used. And I hate the treadmill. My hips hurt and I get shin splints when I use the treadmill. Not good.

Once a machine opened up, I snagged it and did my Interval #1 workout from No Excuses Workouts. I love doing intervals. I get to kill it for 4-5 minutes, then I get a 1-2 minute break, which makes the next interval that much easier to do.

It seriously felt so good!

When we got home, I took a shower and did so much around the house because I had boundless energy. Okay, maybe not boundless, but still a lot.

Anyway, my workout is done, the house is clean, and we're having chicken salads for supper tonight.

Gotta go chop some veggies! Yum!

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