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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I {heart} Faces - Sweet Dreams

Alex and I went out to visit with my sister-in-law and her new baby this afternoon (she will be 3 weeks old tomorrow). She was awake when I got there, but I managed to lull her to sleep with my sparkling personality. :)

Actually she had a full belly and an aunt who wouldn't put her down (hmmm, wonder who that would have been?) and she eventually succumbed to the rhythmic bouncing.

So since I had brought my camera with me, I took advantage of her slumber and snapped a few shots. This is my first ever entry in the I {heart} Faces contest.

Isn't she sweet? I love the fact that I can get my baby fix without having to have all the work that goes with having a baby. :) I can just borrow her for a little while and then give her back.

That's what aunts are for, right?


kathryn said...

Oh, she's absolutely gorgeous! I can almost smell that intoxicating baby smell!

Love it!

Laura said...

I love this pic! Great job!!

In case you didn't know... on the left side of the i heart faces blog they have buttons to grab for these posts. You just copy and paste the code, the pic shows up and I'm pretty sure you can just click it and it links back to i heart faces. I'm just telling you because for some reason I think I remember reading in their rules that to even be considered their button has to be in the post. I could be wrong though haha.

Unknown said...

Kathryn - I can smell it too. Oh wait, that's the spit up on my shirt that I forgot to change when I got home. :)

Laura - thanks for the tip! I got the button! Just in case.

Unknown said...

Your first entry is a success! Great photo. So sweet and tender. Lovely!