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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thankful ...

Courtney over at Beautiful Mess did a blog post about little things she's thankful for. Which got me thinking about what I'm thankful for. So here they are (in no particular order) ...

~ Good Health. Mine and my husband's and kid's. God has truly blessed us in that we don't have to take any medicines on a regular basis. My kids, aside from colds/runny noses, are very healthy. And so far, knock on wood, the nasty flu has stayed away from us.

~ Grey's Anatomy. My favorite TV show. Ever. I didn't get to watch it Thursday night because of my tooth hurting and going to bed early, so I recorded it. All day yesterday I couldn't wait to sit down and watch it, which I did at around 10:15 p.m. I had taken a 3-hour nap with Alex earlier, so I was no at all tired at that time. Which leads me to ...

~ DVR. I love the fact that we have the DVR. I've debated several times about giving it back to the cable company so that our bill wouldn't be so astronomical each month, but I just can't. I don't allow the kids to watch TV or movies on a school night, which means that I can't also. At least not until after they go to bed. I don't watch too many shows (NCIS, NCIS LA, Grey's, and Private Practice). So I DVR them and watch later (most of the time anyway).

~ High speed internet. I spend way more time than I should on my computer - blogging, reading other people's blogs, doing Ebay, PTO stuff - you name it. But if I were still on dial-up, I would go absolutely insane. I hate slow internet connections. I hate waiting for a web page to load. Oops! I'm supposed to be writing about things I'm thankful for. Sorry!

~ Advil. These past couple days anyway. My tooth is still hurting ... getting the root canal finished up on Wednesday. The day before Thanksgiving. Hopefully it won't be hurting on Thursday because I'm still eating turkey regardless. :)

~ Nap time. I love my kids dearly but when Keira and Nick are at school and Alex is taking his afternoon nap ... I'm in heaven. Even if it is only for 1.5 hours. The house is so quiet and I have found that if I focus, I can really get a lot accomplished during that time. And I know that soon Alex won't be taking naps anymore, so I'm cherishing them now.

~ FlyLady. Seriously, you'd think a person would just know how to clean their house. And I do, but before FlyLady, I was overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. A friend pointed me to her website and it has been a God send! I'm finally learning to let go of stuff. I'm learning to love open space - not every corner has to have something in it. I'm learning that less is more in a lot of areas in my life, not just my home.

~ Scrapbooking. I've been scrapbooking for over 7 years now, and I still love it! I'm dabbling into digital scrapbooking - there's so much to learn! I don't do much at home right now because I'm usually busy with the house and kids (homework, swim lessons, etc.), but I do get to go out about once a month or two and scrapbook with friends. It's always more fun with friends anyway.

~ My crock pot. Love, love, LOVE the crock pot! It makes dinner time so much less stressful. I love throwing something in the crock and smell it cooking all day.

~Chap stick. Well, actually Lip Smackers. Seriously, I'm addicted. I have one in my purse, in my gym bag, on my desk beside my moniter, in my make up case, on my night stand. I would leave one in the car if it wouldn't melt/freeze. Well, you get the idea. It is a good thing Lip Smackers come in packages of 8. :)

~ Our new extra large washing machine. No explanation needed.

~ Doug. He works so hard so I can stay home with the kids. And even though I may complain that he's working too much (like when he's supposed to be off, but he picked up some extra work), I still very thankful. He's a great guy who works hard to support his family. You gotta love that.

~ There are many more things I'm thankful for, but I'll save them for another day.

What are you thankful for? Write a post and link back to mine. Maybe we can start our own "Thankful" blog hop.

Thanks, Courtney, for the inspiration!

Until next time ... God bless!


Laura said...

Maybe you could blog some of your favorite crock recipes so I could get some new ones. :) I have two that I need to post when I get the time.

kathryn said...

Lovely post, Kimberly! I can especially relate to the DV-R love...I don't know what I'd do w/o it. I spend so much time on computer that I don't think about the teevee....'cause DV-R has it covered. Love Grey's and Private Practice.

I JUST bought a new 8-pack of LipSmackers! I'm keeping one in the car, dammit! I even threw one in the bathroom drawer.

Unknown said...

Laura - crock recipes to come soon!

Kathryn - thank you! My DVR erased all my past episodes of Grey's and PP yesterday. Ugh! I hate when that happens! Glad someone can relate to my "lip stuff" (as my kids call it) addiction! :) Is there a 12-step plan for that?