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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Honest scrap challenge

Laura over at Life Happens nominated me for this challenge. Thanks, Laura!

The rules are:
Say thanks and give a link to the one who gave you the award.
Share 10 honest things about yourself.
Present this award to 9 other fantastically brilliant blogs of content or design, or peeps that have encouraged you.
Tell those 9 people they've been awarded and make sure they're informed of these guidelines.

Share 10 honest things about yourself. Here goes!

1. I am a huge procrastinator … especially when it comes to things I don’t really like to do but I know they need done. I’d much rather visit blogs or read emails than clean my house (but then again, who wouldn’t, right?). I’d rather scrapbook than do PTO stuff for my kids’ school. I’d rather watch Grey’s Anatomy than list some items on Ebay (for a friend) that I’ve had for about 2 months now. I’d rather read a book than go to bed at a decent hour. I almost never get clothes out of the dryer the first time the dryer buzzes – they almost always need to be fluffed (once or twice {blush}). I just always seem to be doing something else when the dryer is done.

2. I like to do online surveys. I figure for a chance to win $1,000 (or whatever the prize) I can take a few minutes of my time to fill it out. I’ve never won … yet.

3. I would like to move to Tennessee or Kentucky some day. I don’t really have a good reason why. I just think I would like it there. Maybe I should visit there first, huh?

4. I plan to take an online Medical Transcription course through our local community college. I figure if I can do this and be able to work from home that would be my way of contributing financially to our family. My little Ebay business just gives me some extra cash for doing my stuff (scrapbooking, etc.). But it isn’t enough to make a real difference.

5. I am a reformed smoker. Very much reformed. Like I really, really, really, really can’t stand the smell of cigarette smoke or being around someone who has been smoking (they stink!). I quit smoking in 1989. I had started smoking when I was 15. Looking back, I don’t know why I started. My dad died of lung cancer when I was 15 and yet, I still smoked. I quit smoking shortly after Doug and I started dating (I was 20), because he bugged the crap out of me about it. I quit on Christmas day 1989, which was really hard because a lot of my family smoked, so I was around other smokers all day. But, I did it! Now with the price of cigarettes being so high (a pack is over $5.00!), I’m very glad I quit.

6. Some days I wonder why God has blessed me with my three amazingly beautiful, infuriatingly frustrating kids. I know He says He will never give us more than we can handle, but some days I wonder. I guess I must handle it though, because I’m still here and I’m still trying.

7. A few of my favorite things are (in no particular order):
~Oat Cluster Cheerios Crunch cereal (yummy!)
~Stampin’ Up!’s Chocolate Chip cardstock/ink (my fav color)
~my iPod
~reading (It seems I’m always reading something: a book, a magazine, the back of a cereal box – Janet Evanovich is one of my fav authors (non-Christian, but incredibly funny and highly entertaining!)
~Villa Grande Restaurant (love, love, love their food!)
~listening to my kids laugh
~blogging (it’s Laura’s fault! She got me hooked!)
~music by Creed (well, at least a few of their songs), Sugarland, Lady Antebellum, and David Cook
~long, hot, uninterrupted showers (few and far between)
~My fav TV shows are Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, and NCIS
~Did I mention I love Villa Grande’s food? :)
~Clifford’s Restaurant (Doug and I go there for our anniversary almost every year. It is our once-a-year splurge on us [they are expensive, but extremely good – food and service]). Looking forward to November 13 (our anniversary is Nov. 9 – 13 years – woo hoo!)
~Aerobics at the Y (yeah, I know I’m weird, but if I can’t go, I really miss it). Besides, that is where I met Laura and we became friends.
~Photography and scrapbooking (with a little stamping thrown in for good measure)

8. I hate reality shows. Well, except American Idol. But I really dislike the rest. They are up to what …Survivor 58 or so and Big Brother 19? Why? I guess some people must watch these shows, but I don’t. I’m not saying all reality shows suck. I could probably enjoy watching a few (Biggest Loser, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars), but the rest don’t interest me at all. And I try not to watch too much television (except for the shows I mentioned above), so I won’t be watching these any time soon.

9. After high school I really did not want to go to college. And my mom didn’t have the money to send me anyway. So we moved from Chicora to Butler after I graduated and I got my first job at Russell Bennett studio. I loved photography so I thought this would be a great place to work … wrong! I was there with the owner (his name escapes me right now) and no one else. All day, every day. Unless we had a sitting. And that wasn’t much fun because I was trying to learn and he wasn’t a very good teacher and he would embarrass me (and probably the people getting their portraits taken also). Anyway, I worked there for about 4 months and I got fired right after Christmas. Fired! 18 years old and fired from my very first job. Thankfully I still lived with my mom and didn’t have any bills to pay. My next job was at American Electronics (and eventually ABC Photo - same owners) at the Clearview Mall. I think I was making $3.25 per hour. It was at that job that I decided to go to college. I’ll skip all the details in order to save time, but I graduated with an Associates Degree two years later. My first job AC (after college) was at the Butler Hospital, where I had done my practicum. It was a temp job and only lasted a few months. There were no permanent openings at the time, so I was back looking for a job. I went through a temp agency and got a job at Castle Rubber. While there I interviewed for a job at Agr and got it. I worked there 13 years before I “retired” after having Alex (baby #3). I have been a SAHM officially since March 2006 (I say “officially” because I was technically still employed while on maternity leave since December 2005).

10. The only times I have had to spend the night at a hospital was when I had Keira and then also when I had Nick. Alex was born in a midwife center in the early morning and you only stay for 12 hours so we left by that same evening. I’m not sure if that was better or not. I was never able to sleep at the hospital (too much noise, the nurses coming in every 2 hours to check your stitches or to have you feed the baby, etc.), but coming home right away was a little stressful also.

So those are my 10.

Unfortunately I’m so new to the blog world that I don’t have 9 blogs to showcase. Laura is my only frequent blogger :) and her link is above.

I must say this was both fun and challenging, so thanks again to Laura for including me! I hope you learned something new about me!

Until next time ... God bless!


Laura said...

I looove Tennessee!!! I was just telling someone yesterday how it is the place where I want to live someday. :) It's beautiful.

I can not... CAN NOT picture you smoking hahaha. It's so funny to learn things about people that they did before you met but no longer do.

I LOVE Janet Evanovich!!! HILARIOUS!! I still have to read the newest one out. 15?? It's never at the library and on hold until eternity.

Unknown said...


How cool that you love Tennessee?! Maybe we could be neighbors. :) Aaaahhh ... someday.

I have #15 if you want to borrow it. In fact I own all but one of her books (Plum Spooky). Once I read #15 I went back and reread all of the Stephanie Plum books this summer. I have her non-Plum books as well.

kathryn said...

Great list! I'd also love to at least visit Tennessee....and avoid these New York winters.
(Yes, I'm complaining already and it's not even here yet!)

Unknown said...


I can relate! Western Pennsylvania's winters can be miserable also! If my birthday, Alex's birthday, Honey's birthday (our puppy), and Christmas weren't all in December, I'd like to just skip over to April!

Thanks for reading and commenting!

Laura said...

Yes please!!! I would love to borrow it! Although I am not sure when I will see you as I don't think I will be making it to the gym this week. :( I can't go two minutes without coughing. I feel like I am dying.