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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Our Seventh Week ~ 2014

I honestly didn't take many pictures last week.  Most of the ones I took were for Sunday's Scavenger Hunt.  But I do have a few other random photos to share with you ... 

I'm a bit obsessed with snowflakes lately.  (Did you see my close ups of snowflakes?)  I mean, as long as it is going to keep dumping snow on us, I may as well enjoy them, right?  These were stuck to our living room window.  (By the way, the kids are off school again today because of more snow and ice.)

Keira made Oreo Bon Bons for her Youth Group Valentine's Day celebration.

Alex missed school two days last week due to illness.  He slept a lot,watched a bunch of movies, and colored.  

Because Alex was sick and hadn't made his Valentine's Day box yet, I made one for him.  We decided on Olaf from Frozen.  Friday morning before school I had him hold it for this photo.  He is trying to smile big like Olaf.  :)

Once again, I helped out in Nick's classroom's party.  Cat, the room parent, came up with this game where they had to transfer tissue paper hearts down the line using straws.  At the end there was a bag to place them in.  The team who filled up their bag first was the winner.  It was fun to watch.

I also finally got to go to lunch with my friend, Nikki.  It was a great time talking and catching up with each other.  And I did some one-on-one photography/camera training on Saturday after soccer.  My student, who is a first grade teacher, is getting it!  I love that!

I have a couple classes coming up where I will be teaching folks who to use their cameras.  I'm excited to help people get comfortable switching out of auto mode.  I can see a vast improvement in my photos since I switched from auto about 4 years ago.  Makes me wish I could go back and re-take those images.  :)

Linking with Tamar today:


packmom said...

Looks like a fun week aside from the sick one. I've seen so many cute valentine's boxes this year. My kids have never had to make one. I think they always did it at school. Love how Alex's turned out.

Tamar SB said...

Sorry you had some sick-ies visit! Love the Olaf box!

Mersad said...

Great captures as always. Some fun images of the game. I hope Alex feels better soon!