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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 02.16.14

This week's Scavenger Hunt list was sponsored by me.  And it was a toughie.  Wow!  Why did I pick these categories?!  :)

This moth made an appearance in our house earlier this week.  He was hard to see though - camouflaged by the wood in the medicine cabinet.

Nick is so nutty sometimes.  He decided to make supper one night this week.  He was chopping onions and stuffed cotton balls in his nose to keep from crying.

{old style}
old style
We still have this old-style phone in our house.  Just in case the power goes out and we need a phone.  Although with our cell phones, we probably don't really need this one anymore.  I also added some grain to this image to make it look more old style.

The boys cleaned their room today.  The floor is clean, which you can tell by the haphazard organization of their shelves.  :)

The last ruffle scarf I made is a monochromatic blue.  I'm now working on a pastel one for spring.  And then my mom wants a black and gold one like I made my sister for Christmas.  After that, who knows?  :)
Be sure to stop over and visit Ashley for more great Scavenger Hunt photos!


Tamar SB said...

Now the big question - did the cotton ball method work? Love their cleaning job, too funny!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice, the boys' shelves remind me of the old saying "A clean desk is the sign of dirty drawers."

Dawn said...

it was a tough list!!! haha!!! i love the "clean" room... oh well... at least you can walk thru the room! and the nutty photo is great! i had one of my son, too... but i could not edit out his red eyes so i skipped it (but he had his head in a mini-golf hippo!)

Ida said...

Thanks for the prompts, challenging but fun.
Wow you Camouflaged is fabulous.
Nutty is so funny, I hope it helped.
My mom still has one of those "old-style" phone's too.
Yep that's pretty much how Coleen cleans her room too.
Sounds like you are pretty busy with those scarves.

Unknown said...

Enjoyed your challenges this week. I laughed when I saw your son with the Kleenex in the nose, my student's will do that so their nose doesn't drip on their paper.

21 Wits said...

Bravo on your lovely captures, especially the first and last, and haphazard is like instant replay, again and again! hehehhe! Fun photos!

Unknown said...

Great set of photos. I wonder if you could make a scarf to match that moth. It would make an interesting one. Kids are so funny. My brother once put a clothespin on his knows when he had to go to the bathroom after his brother had just been there. :) The 'clean' room is just great. I had one who used the same concept for cleaning.