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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 04.21.13

Hello and welcome to another Scavenger Hunt!  After a crazy, busy week, I am looking forward to a couple days of being not so busy.  At least I hope.  I didn't pick my camera up quite as much as I would have liked this week - just didn't have time - however I did manage to get all the prompts.  Some loosely interpreted, but still.  :)  So let's get to them ...
Seeing a goldfinch in my maple tree this early in the year brings me much happiness.  :)  We don't usually see them until May.

{spring in black and white}
spring in b&w
One of our daffodils.

We received a new addition to our family this week.  Belt, the sloth, from the movie The Croods.  I won him in a giveaway that Gina had a while back.  The kids have been enjoying him ever since his arrival on Wednesday.  Especially since when you squeeze his belly, he says, "dun dun daaaaaaaa!"  Thanks, Gina!

Since I used Belt for family, I didn't want to use him again for fuzzy.  Although he does qualify.  So instead I used a blossom from our maple tree.  It looks kinda fuzzy, doesn't it?  :)

A gathering of lilac buds.  I thought I'd get a quick shot of them this evening since we are supposed to get a frost tonight.  Hopefully it won't kill them!

Thanks for stopping by!  Hope you have a wonderful week!


Yolanda Ronaldo said...

Oh gosh, that fuzzy shot is amazing! The colors and focus are just perfect.

Skye said...

Lilac buds- Gorgeous!! :)

Tamar SB said...

Your nature photography never ceases to amaze me!

Anonymous said...

Your shots are amazing! It is surprising how bright the Goldfinch is for this time of year.
Linked from Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

Karen said...

Wow...amazing set! They are all gorgeous. Love the lilac!

Mary Gene Atwood said...

Beautiful photos! Love the finch. I was pleased to find a finch nest and eggs in a shrub at my house. Trying to figure out how to shoot this without disrupting mama bird.

Nicki said...

Some wonderful shots and several with incredible bokeh.

Ruth Kelly said...

I never thought about a plant gathering buds.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful bounty of shots this week!

Christine E-E said...

your flower close-ups are amazing. I think I need a new lens - what did you use for these shots? did you use a tripod?

Amy said...

Incredible! My favorite is gathering. A bit farther north, our lilac just popped her leaves in the past week. I'm hoping this will be her first year to flower.

Unknown said...

Hello from Scavenger Hunt Sunday! All these pictures are really gorgeous! I especially love how crisp the family photo is. The lilac buds gathering was a great idea!

Ida said...

Super set.
Belt is such a fun edition to your family...I took Coleen to see that movie, we loved his character.

Stunning detail in your gathering shot of the lilac buds and I do pray they didn't freeze out for you.

Fuzzy and Happiness are also quite lovely.

Fran said...

Fuzzy shot is very interesting. I did not know maple trees had flowers, and such pretty ones.

trulymegs said...

These are beautiful! I love fuzzy!