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Monday, April 22, 2013

Project 52 - Week 16 ... My 1,111th post!

Hello!  Happy Monday!  It was a beautiful day today!  I had a wonderful time with my mom.  We visited Phipp's Conservatory.  We haven't done something like that - just the two of us - in a really long time.  I can't wait to process the photos I took and share some of them with you!

But first, allow me to share what we did last week.

We had fun with bubbles.

We got a new family member.  Thanks, Gina!

Alex got a new toy.

And we enjoyed some springtime flowers.

Kleinworth & Co., Project 52, photo sharing, weekly Monday blog link up

As I was starting this post, I noticed that this is my 1,111th post.  Cool, huh?

Thanks for stopping by!  Hope you have a fabulous week!


Tamar SB said...

The bubble pictures are so fun! Love the flower - lilies are a favorite of mine! (I feel really silly if it isn't a lily!)

packmom said...

Looks like a fun week. Those bubbles are nice and big. What a beautiful springtime flower.

Simon said...

Lovely images of your children. I especially like that new family member-looks like I'm not the only one.

Deborah said...

beautifully captured and engaging photography!