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Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 15 in Pictures

Another week has passed.  Is it just me or does time seem to be moving faster?  :)  I mean, we're already half way through April?!  And the kids only have 35 days of school left?!  Yikes!  We better hurry and take a look at what last week brought ... :)

Tried to get a group shot of the cousins on Easter.  I have a lot of respect for those of you that do this professionally.  There always seems to be at least one child who is making a goofy face (Nick) or looking away (Christy).  And they very quickly wish to be moving on to other things.  Oh well, this is who they are.
Inspire Me

We went to "the other zoo" as my kids call it, during the kids' Easter break.  This guy was, by far, our favorite animal there that day.  And I realize you don't need a color palette to see all the gorgeous colors in this peacock, but I did one anyway.  :)  I hope you enjoy it!

Nicholas is really into Angry Birds lately.  I got him the King Pig for Easter; he had the little eraser; and he decided to draw faces on these green Nerf balls he has for his Nerf gun.  He lined them all up and asked me to take a picture.

Woke up to a coating of snow on the ground, then it snowed and rained off and on most of the day.  I ventured out to capture a few rain drops on my tulip.  (Yes, just one is currently in bloom.)

Went out in the evening to get some photos of Nicholas for his ninth birthday, which was April 13.  I posted a bunch of mostly silly photos of him the other day, but I did manage to get at least one when he wasn't being silly.  We're hoping to get another chance to take more photos soon.  I need practice!  And he wants pictures in the new pink Polo shirt I bought him.  He loves pink!

I know I probably post a photo of a bird each week, but I so enjoy watching them eat from our feeder.  This little nuthatch makes an appearance every day.

Not a great photo technically because the lighting in the auditorium we were in was lousy and Alex wouldn't look at me, but he was completely thrilled to get a trophy for his first Bible Quizzing Invitational.  He only got a participant's certificate (which means he didn't get a whole lot of answers right), but he kept saying he got an All-Star Gold award because of the trophy.  I didn't (and still don't) have the heart to tell him otherwise.  :)  Oh, and the medal was for reciting a few memory verses.  I'm so proud of both Alex and Nick (who got a silver award)!
Chic Homeschool Mama     


Tracey Washington said...

Love your week! Yeah, it's near impossible to get more than two children to look at you. lol Love the peacock and the nerf balls :)

Susan said...

The palette is great! Love the King Pig shot as well. Such an addictive game!

packmom said...

I saw a peacock on Easter! Love your shot and the colors. Looks like a fun week.

Serendipityissweet said...

Beautiful! Wow, that peacock shot is amazing!!

Gina Kleinworth said...

Nothing short of amazing- AGAIN!!! That peacock- holy cow!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love these. Such beautiful shots. I am glad you link up every week.

Anonymous said...

You have such lovely pictures huni, really admire that peacock one x x

Shoni said...

Oh I'm so happy you like the header! Purple suits your blog well! :)

Love the peacock shot!

Valvaren said...

Love your photos! The peacock and tulip are my favorites if you don't mind my asking what is your setup, I'm looking into a macro lens soon and would love to be able to get one half as good as yours!