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Monday, March 30, 2015

Weekly Summary ~ 3/22/15 - 3/28/15

After being sick most of last week, I am starting to feel human again.  Today is the first day that I didn't feel like I got run over by a truck.  Keira was sick all last week also.  She had a fever that kept fluctuating.  It finally broke early Saturday morning. She's still not 100% but she is much better.  She went to school today, which is a good thing.  Everyone else is healthy, which is wonderful.

{March 22:  Leaves}
March 22:  Leaves
It was a challenge to find leaves this time of year - especially green ones - but during a walk at a local park this afternoon, I did just that. Soon the trees will be covered in leaves and spring will truly be here. 

{March 23:  Too much}
March 23:  Too much
This robin looks like it had a little too much for lunch.  :)
This photo got chosen as one of the FAB photos for the day! WOOT!

{March 24:  A treasure}
March 24:  A treasure
Alex loves looking for interesting things when we go for walks. He found this "treasure" on Sunday - a cluster of pine needles attached to a small pine cone. He said it looked like a peacock.  :)

{March 25:  Half}
March 25:  Half
Half of a Gerber daisy is pretty, but I prefer the whole thing.

{March 26:  I love ...}
March 26:  I love ...
I love that I got to spend a whole day at the zoo last week all by myself. Just me and my camera. It was simply delightful!
(Still not feeling well today so using a picture from last week. I hope to be back to "normal" soon!)

{March 27:  Something white}
March 27:  Something white
While Alex and I were out on our nature walk on Sunday, we came across our first wildflowers of the year - Snow Drops! I did my best to get a shot of them without laying on the wet, muddy ground. Thank goodness for Live View on my camera.   :)

{March 28:  Give}
March 28:  Give
Winter, indoor soccer ended today. At the end of the season the YMCA gives each child who participated a medal. I think Alex has 5 or maybe 6 now. He likes indoor soccer. Can't talk him into outdoor soccer though. It is just as well - I'm over soccer for a while.  :)

Linking with Tamar:

Keira came home from school early on Monday.  I was just starting to exercise and the school nurse called asking me to come get her.  She ended up being sick all week.  She's finally better today.
I stayed home from Wednesday night church since I was sick.  Not as bad as Keira, but still.
I started a new Bible study on Thursday morning.  I wasn't feeling great, but I didn't want to miss the first class.  It is a great Beth Moore study.
Saturday was Alex's last soccer game.  They had a small awards ceremony beforehand.  His team lost again.  I guess the only game they won this year was last week when Alex stayed home because he was sick.  I know it is all about teamwork and just for fun, but it is much more fun to watch when they are winning.
Saturday afternoon Alex went to a birthday party for a classmate from school.  It was a bowling party.  He had a great time.
Saturday night I went out to dinner with some girl friends.  I debated about going since I wasn't feeling well, but I went anyway and I'm glad I did.  It was a lot of fun.
Funny story - I misplaced my driver's license this week.  I took Keira to the doctor on Wednesday and when I went to get her insurance card out, I noticed it wasn't in my wallet.  When we got home, I went through my wallet and purse but couldn't find it.  I thought and thought about when I last had it out and just kept coming up blank.  I asked the Thursday morning Bible study ladies to pray about it.  Friday morning I woke up remembering that I took my license into the school on Monday to get Keira because sometimes the security guard asks to see it.  I rushed downstairs and checked my coat pocket and there it was!  I was so happy!

1 comment:

Tamar SB said...

So sorry you and Keira were under the weather - the bugs going around are nasty this year! Hope this is a healthier week!