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Monday, February 2, 2015

Weekly Summary ~ 1/25/15 - 1/31/15

Woo hoo!  January is done and February is here!  We are that much closer to spring, which is followed by summer, which is butterfly season.  I can't wait!  :)

I'm still going strong with Fat Mum Slim's photo a day challenge.  I plan to continue at least until the end of March.  That will give me a full year.  Then I'll see if I want to keep going.

{January 25:  Black and white}
January 25:  Black and white
My beautiful girl outside in the snow.  We played with our dog for a while then went for a walk in our neighbor's woods this afternoon.

{January 26:  Three things}
January 26:  Three things
Three tiny snowflakes sitting on a scarf.
The kids had the day off of school today due to the weather. We got several inches of snow last night and throughout the day today. At one point this afternoon when I let the dog in, I noticed that the flakes on her fur had some detail to them, so I bundled up and headed out to see what I could capture. This photo is just one of several that I am pretty pleased with.

{January 27:  Morning}
January 27:  Morning
I hate to post another snowflake picture already but honestly this is what I photographed this morning. I was out clearing out our driveway after the kids went to school and kept seeing snowflakes falling that were just beautiful. So my macro lens and I went exploring once again. Have I mentioned how much I love my macro lens?  :)

{January 28:  Strange}
January 28:  Strange
This strange-looking caterpillar was found by me in our back yard a few years back. After making sure it was harmless, thanks to our good friend Google, the kids and I had a good time holding it and letting it crawl on our hands. It is a Hickory Horned Devil caterpillar in its last larval stage. It was looking for a place to dig into the ground to pupate. Because of its size it would take about a full year to become an adult, which turns out is just a boring, brown moth, albeit a big one. We never did get to see the moth.  (Archive photo because I just couldn't come up with anything strange today.  Funny thing is - this got picked in the Fab Four photos for the day.)

{January 29:  Summer/winter}
January 29:  Summer/Winter
Definitely winter here today. Honey and I ventured out to play in the snow for a few minutes. It was really coming down for a while! Glad I'm not going anywhere today!

{January 30:  Fave food}
January 30:  Fave food
Friday night means popcorn and movie night with the family. Hot-air-popped popcorn is most definitely a favorite in this house.

{January 31:  On top}
January 31:  On top
I was totally stumped on what to do for this prompt today - thinking I would have to dig into the archives for a photo - when I came home to find my daughter crocheting herself a hat.  Totally unplanned but problem solved!   :)

Linking with Tamar:

Just a quick run down of my week:
Monday the kids had a snow day.  The 2nd of the year.  Today, they are having their 3rd.  :/  Seems to be a Monday thing.
Had a meeting at school on Tuesday morning to discuss Alex's reading challenges and what we can do about them. 
Keira was sick all week.  She just didn't feel well.  Not sure it was the flu though as she didn't have a fever at all.  She just felt icky.
Nick had volleyball practice again Thursday morning.  The tournament was supposed to start tonight but with school being cancelled, I don't know what they will do.  His team was scheduled to play tomorrow evening.
Friday I actually left the house and ran some errands.  :)
Saturday morning we had our artist workshop.  We learned how to crochet.  I used to know how many years ago so it wasn't completely unfamiliar to me.  When it was over I came home for a bit and then went to my friend Rainey's house to do some Project Life scrapbooking.  I really just got some photos and cards inserted into pockets but I'm okay with that.  It is better than nothing!  She made dinner and dessert.  Yummmmm.  It was a really fun day.  We probably won't get another chance to do that for a while since she is in another play in March - Steel Magnolias - and she'll be busy with practices.  Should be a good play!


Tamar SB said...

Love the snow flake macro!!

Hope you have a less snowy week!

21 Wits said...

You can call me dog lady, of course the snow falling around the pup is my favorite, but they are all beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Your photographic skills are far beyond me! Love your daughter in the furry hat:) Like how you did your post: first the pics and then the daily/weekly update.

Suburban Girl said...

I am so jealous of your snowflakes. We seldom get flakes - we get the dreaded wintry mix. I haven't seen a snowflake yet this year although we have had snow.

Kim Cunningham said...

The macros are fabulous! I love seeing the individual flakes. Stellar images as always!

Kim Stevens said...

Yep, still jealous of that snowflake! And yes, before you know it I will be knee deep in frass. Last year I had a momma lay over 100 eggs, but something went terrible wrong, a disease and I lost all but 14 and had to get rid of my milkweed and start over ($$$) because I think they had NPV!