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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Weekly Summary ~ 1/11/15 - 1/17/15

We were away the past few days so I'm late posting.  Again.  Sheesh.  Oh well, we had fun.  And my computer wasn't even turned on for two whole days.  I think that's a record.  :)

{January 11:  I see ...}
January 11:  I see ...
I see someone was playing with my phone.  :)

{January 12:  Bright}
January 12:  Bright
Found these bright red berries while out on a walk through our neighbor's woods back in November.

{January 13:  Lucky number}
January 13:  Lucky number
I don't have a lucky number. I don't believe in luck. I do, however, believe in the power of ONE.
ONE smile.
ONE kind word.
ONE selfless gesture.
ONE small act to brighten someone's day.
We each hold the power to help make the world a little better place. It all starts with ONE.

{January 14:  New}
January 14:  New
Our sweet Honey posing for me in front of our new living room curtains. We have lived in this house for 18 years and we finally got curtains for our big picture window. :) Just need to shorten them a little since they are a few inches too long.

This is not at all the photo I had planned for today. But I wasn't able to make the other idea happen so this is my fall back.

{January 15:  Old}
January 15:  Old
My sister brought me a whole bunch of old photographs recently. It has been fun looking through them and reminiscing. And trying to figure out when they were taken or who in the world is in them. :) The color photo here is of my mom many years ago. The photo to the right shows my Grandma (now deceased) with my mom (the oldest child) and my aunt and uncle. My aunt and uncle are both deceased now also, leaving my mom the last one remaining. I hope to sit down soon and sort through these photos and make an album for my mom who will turn 80 in two years.

{January 16:  Nature}
January 16:  Nature
Not a whole lot of color in nature around here right now. But as you might expect from me, I did find a milkweed seed pod to photograph. We were on a back road that is not maintained in the winter when I took this photo (the same road that I visit frequently in the summer months looking for Monarch caterpillars and eggs) and the boys had a fun time "skating" on the icy road while I took pictures. :)

Only 62 days and 23 hours until spring! Can't wait for butterfly season to start again!

{January 17:  Jump}
January 17:  Jump
Alex was excited to help me with today's prompt.  :)

Linking with Tamar:

Monday the kids had a school delay due to ice.  The rest of the week went off without a hitch though.  It was still pretty cold.  Alex and I went shopping for new soccer socks, shin guards, and shoes.  He started indoor soccer on Saturday morning.  Doug took him and let me sleep in.  The first couple weeks are just practice anyway.  Nick had volleyball practice early Thursday morning.  The 6th graders have a tournament the beginning of February so they need to get some practice in beforehand.  Our Wednesday night kids' class started back up.  We had a pretty good night.  At least I think we did.  I spent most of the time in the nursery playing with the babies.  Fun stuff.  :)  Doug ripped some of the bathroom walls and the ceiling out on Saturday.  It is like showering in a cave right now.  But it will look so nice when it is all done.


Tamar SB said...

Love the old photos, how fun to have those!
Love your ideas behind the power of one, too!

diane said...

Lovely post....great shots.
diane @ thoughts and shots