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Monday, December 29, 2014

Our Week in Review 2014 ~ 12/21 - 12/27

Another week bites the dust!  

Continuing with Fat Mum Slim's photo a day challenge, here are last week's prompts ...

{December 21:  This is interesting}
December 21: This is interesting
We have no "generic" ornaments on our Christmas tree. Every year the kids and I go pick out special ornaments to add to our tree. It is interesting to see how their interests have changed over the years. This year we had one made for our dog, Honey. I thought it was interesting that we never got her a special ornament in the five Christmases that she has been with us. I actually feel bad about that. But she has one now and I guess that's all that matters.

{December 22: 'Tis the season to ...}
December 22: 'Tis the season to ...
'Tis the season to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
(This is the front of our church - decorated for Christmas.)

{December 23:  Tree}
December 23:  Tree
Our tree as seen through Keira's starry glasses.

{December 24:  Color}
December 24:  Color
Something that has been a bit elusive lately - the blue sky and golden sun.  It was so nice to se them both today even if they didn't stick around long.  It is now very windy and raining.  Though I hear both the sun and blue sky may come out of hiding and make an appearance on Friday.  Here's hoping!

{December 25:  Celebration}
December 25:  Celebration
Alex was pretty excited about the Christmas pajamas that he got to open on Christmas Eve.  It was quite a celebration.  :)

{December 26:  Animal}
December 26:  Animal
Honey decided to help me open one of my Christmas gifts yesterday.  She was so fun this year!  She was so curious about everything.

{December 27:  I like ...}
December 27:  I like ...
I like to play around with my camera.  Especially this time of year when there are sparkle lights everywhere.

Linking up with Tamar:

We had a wonderful Christmas.  Fun times at the school Christmas party on Tuesday afternoon.  The kids have been off school since Wednesday and will be off until January 5.  Keira played a song during the Christmas Eve service at church.  I was hoping to share the video but I'm having problems getting the link.  Here is my video share on Facebook ... hopefully you can view it that way.

We made lots of cookies and treats.  Too many, in fact.  Doug's parents came to visit on Christmas morning while we were all still in our jammies.  Doug visited with his dad while his mom helped Keira make more treats.  Once they left, the kids enjoyed their gifts while I prepped for dinner.  My mom and sister came in the afternoon.  After a yummy dinner (if I do say so myself) we opened gifts and played UNO, something that has become a tradition when we get together.

On Friday I had planned to do absolutely nothing.  I slept in until almost 11:00 - I guess I really needed some sleep.  I'd hoped to spend the day in my yoga pants but our neighbor passed away a few days before Christmas and visitation was on Friday.  So Doug and I went to pay our respects.  We decided to go get a few more things for the bathroom while we were out.  Did I mention we are remodeling our bathroom?  It is the first room we did when we bought our home 17 years ago and is badly in need of updating.  Doug was going to go get some of the bigger items on Saturday morning but ended up having to go to work.  His plant shut down and needed attention.  It as a decent day weather wise so I took Honey for a walk.  It felt so good to be out in the fresh air!  We hadn't been for a walk in a while because of hunting season.  The boys played some hoops while we walked.  Then we went home and did nothing.  :)  Watched movies, ate popcorn, and snuggled on the couches.


Rainey said...

I'm glad you had such a great Christmas! Looking forward to some more crafty fun with you in 2015!

Nicki said...

Love your play with the tree lights - how fun and speaking of fun, love the excitement over the Christmas PJs.

Happy New Year!

Tamar SB said...

You took amazing tree and light pictures this year!!

Have a wonderful rest of 2014!!

Lisa1970 said...

Looks like a wonderful Christmas, the Nativity scene is particularly beautiful. All the best for 2015 to you all :)