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Monday, August 18, 2014

Our 33rd Week ~ 2014

This is going to be quick.  I have LOADS of editing to do.  Especially after having my computer go flaky on me Sunday morning.  I was able to have a friend fix it and I am back in business, but not having it for almost two whole days has put me even further behind than I already was.  :)  I have to admit that I am looking forward to the kids going back to school soon.  That way I won't have so many interruptions and distractions throughout the day.

Just a reminder - I am still participating in Fat Mum Slim's photo a day challenge.  I really enjoy having a prompt every day to try to interpret.  Here are last week's photos ...

{August 10: Art}
August 10: Art
The best art is made by the Creator's hands, not human hands.
I got to stop and visit my love, Slick, this evening. (Our neighbor's baby horse.) He's getting so big. He even came up to see me and let me feed and pet him, which absolutely made my day. He still has a blaze in the shape of an F on his face. All natural artwork.

{August 11: Mirror}
August 11: Mirror
When I was cleaning out one of my containers of Monarch caterpillars and giving them fresh food, I found these two snuggled up together on a stem. Looking like a mirror image.  (I think I shared this one before - maybe for Scavenger Hunt Sunday - but it fit this prompt and I hadn't shared it there yet).  :)

{August 12: Gather}
August 12: Gather
Had to head out today to gather some leaves for my hungry caterpillars. These big guys can really eat! 
We released two more butterflies today - both males. Still have LOTS of caterpillars, as you can see. Believe it or not, this is just a small sampling.

{August 13: Inside}
August 13: Inside
I love seeing the butterfly inside its chrysalis just before it emerges. Today we had two beauties joining us. Happy day!
Did you know that the chrysalides are actually clear and what you see is the caterpillar (then butterfly) inside? There have always been questions about the gold dots on the chrysalides. While they are still a mystery, I can tell you that they remain there after the butterflies emerge.

{August 14: Give}
August 14: Give
My friend, Reva, who also happens to be a relative, shared a photo of a ducky night light on her page last week. I instantly fell in love (yes, I am 5 years old :) ) and asked her if she would buy one for me and I would gladly pay her back. Instead she graciously offered to give one to me. It arrived yesterday from sunny Florida. Isn't it the cutest?  :)

{August 15: Clouds}
August 15: Clouds
Saw these lovely clouds the other evening while walking around our neighbor's property.

{August 16: Clean}
August 16: Clean
I was totally drawing a blank on this one until I stopped to fill the car up with gas and saw the car wash. So this is my $4 photo for the photo-a-day prompt. Hey, my car needed cleaned anyway.  :)

Linking with Tamar:

Have a great week!  I will be editing my eyeballs out!  And prepping for another wedding on Saturday!


Tamar SB said...

Your caterpillar pictures are amazing!! Love the car wsh shot too! Thanks for joining the fun!

SKCPhotos said...

OH MY love that first shot and the caterpillar one is superb too.

Ida said...

Sorry it's been awhile since I've been by. I've missed seeing your wonderful art. Loved these photos. The Mirror image of the caterpillars is awesome. Those clouds were lovely and the duck night light so cute. It's always a pleasure to see what you come up with.

Kim said...

Your images are all so lovely! I'm enjoying catching your work in my FB feed!