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Thursday, June 26, 2014


My kids are always finding some kind of bug or toad or whatever.  I love that they love nature, though sometimes I wish they would just leave nature where it is.  :)  Here is just a sampling of what has been discovered so far ...

a painted turtle ...
painted turtle

a couple of non-venomous snakes (they did leave these guys alone) ...


a little red squirrel that gave them a run for their money and then when they weren't around came right up to me ... :)
red squirrel

baby toads!  this is just one of 20 that Nick caught ...
baby toad

snails ...

You probably saw this photo already, but I just love it, so I'm sharing it again.  I talked Nick into helping me with this shot.  It took everything he had in him to keep his eyes open while the snail slimed on his face.  :)
Boy and snail

a millipede ...

a lastly, a crayfish.

This doesn't include all the crabs the kids caught while we were at the beach.  Or any of the other things that they caught that I wasn't around to photograph.  :)

I believe Nick is the one who caught all of these critters initially.  Then he shared them with the rest of us.  :)  That boy has good eyesight!  I was with him when he spotted one of the snails.  I never would have seen it if not for him.

I'm curious to see what the rest of the summer will look like if this is what he's found already!

Little by Little


Tamar SB said...

What crazy and wild finds - all super cool (except the snakes - I don't do snakes)

carol l mckenna said...

Very elegant macro shots of nature ~ love the frogs and toads ~ thanks, ^_^

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Kim Cunningham said...

What a menagerie! These shots are gorgeous. I'm glad everyone took heed of the snakes. Not a fan.

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Fantastic critters.