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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 04.15.12

Time for another Scavenger Hunt!  This week's items are Simple, Grain, Transportation, Stitch, and Bubble(s).

I find it amazing that something as simple as a few rain drops can be so beautiful.

Nick was feeding the deer some grain during our visit to the animal park on Monday.  Well, they were actually pellets, but we can pretend it was grain.  Or we can admire the grain in the wood of the fence.  :)

One of Alex's favorite forms of transportation - a bike ride on the trail.

Back when I was a more serious scrapbooker, I did some stitching on one of Alex's pages.

I don't really think this one needs an explanation.  :)

Be sure to head over to Ashley's for more great Scavenger Hunt photos.  And if you'd like to play along this week, here are the items to hunt ...
  1. Yellow
  2. Something that makes or made you smile
  3. Ancient or Antique
  4. Splash
  5. In the Sun
Have a great week!


Raymonde said...

Hi Kimberly, beautiful set. I really like your son feeding the animals. Have a blessed Sunday. :)


Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Your second photo is amazingly clear and beautiful. Love it!

a shutter bug said...

lovely shot of the dew drops!

Chicken Licken said...

Love your first shot of the water on the flower and well done with your bubble shot! Mine kept popping!

Nicki said...

Love your choices for this week's scavenger hunt. Excellent job!

Anonymous said...

A boy and his dog - what a lovely shot.

Rustic Vintage Country said...

Think I love the grain picture most and the bubble is brill. Suzy x

Rainey said...

Love, love, love the simple shot!

Tamar SB said...

These are all fantastic! I think simple and transportation are my favs!

Unknown said...

Love your simple shot!!! Great set, Kimberly!

Gina Kleinworth said...

You never cease to amaze me Kimberly!!! That first macro- HOLY COW!!!

Brooke said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your simple shot. And you're right - The dew drops just make it magical. Great hunt this week!

Joseph S. Ramirez said...

Just passing through - I LOVE the raindrops on the dandelion seeds. Wow.

Unknown said...

GREAT set..but I keep going back to that Dandelion! Holy WOW!!!!!

Holly said...

Love love love your pictures, so beautiful!

Bek said...

Wow! How awesome is your simple! Love all the sharp details!

Michelle said...

Wow, Kimberly. Amazing dandelion shot!!! If I had to pick a fave, next in line it would be grain.

'Hope you have a wonderful week. :)

Valeria said...

Breathtaker image on simple. Love it.

Ashley Sisk said...

You should see me now - my mouth literally just dropped on the first image.

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Excellent. Love the transportation.

Vanessa said...

gorgeous! all of them!

trulymegs said...

Your simple photo is simply stunning!

Susan said...

Love the deer shot, so pretty!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful collection! I love the picture with the deer. So beautiful!

Skye said...

i love that nerf ball caterpillar looking picture! So cool!

Teachinfourth said...

That top image is simply awesome. I love the simplicity and yet complex patterns created in the shot.

Two thumbs up on this one!