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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Another Wordless(ish) Wednesday

While my newer camera is still in the shop on "parts hold" (and has been there for over a month now!), I've been using my old Nikon D40.  While I miss my D3100, I'm glad I have the D40 to fall back on.  Here are just a few of the photos I took today ...
September 28
Photo of the Day - Sept. 28 - ISO 400, f/8, 1/60s, 18-105mm lens on Nikon D40
Despite the chilly nighttime weather as of late, my Cosmos are still going strong.  I thought I'd capture at least one more photo of them this evening before they are gone.

NapTime MomTog      and then, she {snapped}     

Honey, our golden retriever, is loving the new living room furniture.  I put this blanket down since she drools a lot while she sleeps (does anyone else's dog do that?), so she doesn't ruin the new-to-us love seat but the love seat still gets wet.  Ick!  I need to find a way to keep her off the furniture.  But she's just so darn sweet.

Fall Leaves
Our maple tree only has a few leaves that have changed color so far.  I'm hoping for a colorful fall this year.


Keira and I have been trying to get together to take her pictures since she just turned 13 last week.  While we can't seem to find a large amount of time at one time, we have been able to sneak in a few minutes here and there.  But when I start snapping, she starts giving me faces like this.  I warned her that I would put it on my blog and she didn't seem to care.  So here ya go.  :)  We did get some nice ones too though.  Once I get through editing them, I'll share.

Adventures & Misadventures of Daily Living     The Paper Mama

Happy Wednesday!


Laura said...

Great photos as always. :) Love the one of Keira!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! These are awesome. So beautiful!

Gretchen said...

LOL... gotta love the teenagers!! I love the light on that shot. All these are wonderful shots... wonderful sunburst. Sweet sleeping puppy. =)

deb duty said...

The photo of your cosmos is stunning! Wow!

Teachinfourth said...

That narrow depth of field on the top image is fantastic...I love how the skyline is so melded together like liquid gold.

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Oh, wow, Kimberly. I've been so busy and haven't had any time to visit your blog. I love coming here. You're a great photographer even without your favorite camera. Hope you have a wonderful week.

Misty said...

Oooh! The sunburst shot is a-maze-uh-zing!

Kristin said...

Love the shot of Honey!

Ellie said...

The sun shining through those leaves is amazing. Lovely shot.

Cathy H. said...

Beautiful images!! Love, Love the sun flare through the tree and the fall colors!! We haven't seen much change in color here, either! Just waiting for those cooler days!!

Jessie C said...

Great pictures!

Jaime said...

All great. Sweet bokeh on the first, love the starburst...haven't seen one yet so streamlined, and funny about your daughter. I think it is an illness that all photog's kids end up dveloping...lol.

Seeing Each Day said...

I really enjoyed looking through all these photos - the one of your dog pretty much takes the cake - how adorable. I love the perspective and the colour of your flowers and that crisp perfect ray of light you've caught through the tree is just stunning.

Tara said...

These are gorgeous, I adore the sunflare and the one with your pup!!

Mary Gene Atwood said...

visiting from favorite photo of the week. Your sun flare is perfection!

Unknown said...

I LOVE sun flare shots and this one is GORGEOUS! Great work you have here :)