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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mish Mash Mosh Pit

I haven't felt like I've had anything interesting to say lately, which is why I haven't really been posting.  It seems as though my life is pretty routine, although as I look back on April, it really hasn't been.  Here's a quick recap ...

We had Bible Quizzing Invitationals where Keira won a Gold medal and Nicholas a bronze.
Keira qualified to move on to Regionals which is in Boston in June. 

I helped out at a friend's local children's consignment sale.  Every time I say I'm not going to wait until the last minute to get my stuff ready, and yet every time I do.  It makes me crazy!  Why do I do that?!  Although I got rid of some bulky stuff and earned a little more than my goal of $100.  Love it!

We went to the Creation Museum in Kentucky this past weekend.  It was very enjoyable and educational.  Although I was exhausted for a couple days afterward.  I posted a few pictures here, here, and here and in Sunday's Scavenger Hunt and there are more to come.  Just need to get them edited and that takes time.

Since the weather was so beautiful this morning, I threw my stuff in my locker at the gym and went for a run outdoors.  It was waaaaay too nice to be inside anyway.  I was actually hot running, which was a nice change.  I much prefer that to my fingers freezing.  I try to take in any scenery around me that I might be able to come back and photograph later.  Some people have some gorgeous flower beds blooming right now.

When I was done with my run, I walked around the outside of the gym to cool down.  As I was making my way through the parking lot to head inside, these two muscular guys were walking in ahead of me.  One of them had US ARMY and his last name on his backpack.  And they both had crew cuts, so I'm guessing they were both in the military.  

We got to the doors and the one held the door open for me.  I guess chivalry isn't dead.  :)  The other commented that I must be hard core - working out before I came to the gym.  I chuckled and explained that it was too nice to be inside so I ran outside today.  No big deal.  I'm not sure why I shared that story.  :)  I guess it was nice to be thought of as "hard core".  :)

I took Alex to the Purple Park today after preschool.  Since it was such a nice day, albeit a bit windy, we just couldn't resist.  Ana from preschool and her mom came too which was nice.  Alex and Ana ran around while Jessica and I talked.  Ana told Jessica a couple weeks ago that when she turns 25, she and Alex are getting married.  So sweet.

This is Ana.  Isn't she adorable?!  Love those big brown eyes!

Alex and Ana riding the springy dinosaur.
Alex & Ana
They had a blast!  The only reason we left was because our tummies were beginning to rumble.  The fruit we ate for snack didn't last long.  :)

This afternoon I finally got some flowers planted!  My daffodils, hyacinths, and some tulips have been in the house for weeks.  They have bloomed and died already.  But I planted them anyway.  I just hope I didn't dig up any flowers that were already in my flower garden.  It's hard to tell what they are when they aren't flowering yet.  :)  It felt really good to be out digging in the dirt.  Alex and I even got a little sunburned!  :)

Friday around lunchtime Doug and I are leaving for Erie for the weekend.  My sister is going to watch the kids, so if you think of it, please say a prayer for her.  :)  We don't have any definite plans.  We might go to the Flagship Niagara museum if the weather isn't good.  We might drive up to Niagara Falls on Saturday if the weather is decent.  We might take our bikes along and ride around Presque Isle depending on how Doug is feeling (he finishes up midnight shift tomorrow morning).

Anyway, no matter what we do, I'm really looking forward to some time away with my sweetie.  This is the trip we were supposed to take back in September when he busted up his hand and we had to cancel.  And who knows how soon we'll be able to plan another getaway with his hectic work schedule.  Although if we can get a sitter, he might come along with Keira and me to Boston in June.  If we go, of course.

He was joking around about buying a metal detector so while I'm taking my gazillion pictures this weekend, he would have something to do.  I told him I'd give him the D40 and he could take pictures too.  He wasn't too keen on that idea.  :)  Here's hoping I get to appear in at least a few photos!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Great post, I hope you have a great time on your trip:) Congrats to the kids, what an accomplishment.
