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Saturday, November 6, 2010

NOT Turkey Trotting Today

This morning is the YMCA's annual Turkey Trot 5K run/walk that I signed up to participate in. However, as I write this, they are probably cheering for the runners crossing the finish line.

We had a change in plans earlier this week which caused me to make the decision to stay home instead of running.  Doug was working his 7 pm - 7 am crappy midnight shift, covering someone who is on vacation.  But that was scheduled a while ago, so that wasn't the issue.  He wasn't going to be at the race.  I wasn't going to ask him to stay up that long since the race didn't start until 10:00.  He'd stayed up several days already this week with his physical therapy appointments.  And he's just plain tired.

The change came on Wednesday when I picked the kids up after K4T and I found out that last night was the sleepover at the church for the Bible Quizzers.  They were preparing for an invitational coming up next Saturday.  Keira and Nick both joined the Bible Quizzers group this year, which meant that both of them would be sleeping over at the church.

My plans had been to either leave the kids at home while I went to run the race (Keira is old enough to babysit now - yay!) or take them with me and leave Keira in charge of watching the boys while I ran.  But with Keira and Nick not here, that left me with the question of what to do with Alex.  I couldn't take him with me without someone to watch him.  And I couldn't leave him at home, even though his dad would be upstairs sleeping after his long midnight shift.

So I made the executive decision to eat the 15 bucks I paid to run the race and stay home.

Sure, I could have not let Keira and Nick sleep over at the church.  Or I could have picked them up early and made them freeze while watching me run the race.  But I hated interfering with their fun.  They don't get to sleepover at the church too often.  Actually I don't think they have ever slept over at the church.  Well, Keira might have.  But this was Nick's first time sleeping anywhere other than at home.  I didn't want to ruin that for them.

Plus the weather forecast said it was going to be 28 degrees with a chance of snow flurries.  ICK!  NOT the kind of weather I want to go out in, let alone run in.  Brrrrrrr!

So Alex and I popped popcorn and watched Toy Story 3 last night, a DVD that I bought for Christmas but couldn't wait to crack open and watch.  I loved the movie in the theater and knew we'd be adding it to our DVD library, which is getting quite extensive, by the way.  (Might be time to clean out the DVD collection.)  The movie made me cry again.  Twice.  Geez, sometimes I'm such a sap ... crying over a cartoon.

Then we got out his sleeping bag and slept on the living room floor together.  Our own little sleepover.  Until 2:00 a.m. anyway.  That's when I woke up with a sore back and decided to take him upstairs to sleep with me in my bed.  He didn't seem to mind.  And surprisingly I slept fine with him next to me.  He's usually flipping and flopping, but not this time.  Then Doug came home around 7:45 and squeezed in beside Alex.

Now it is almost time to go get Keira and Nick.  And our plans today are to stay home and keep warm.  :)  I have a project to work on for our church's Missions Conference that hopefully Keira will help me with.  And if I have a chance, I'm going to play with a little digital scrapbooking since it is Digital Scrapbooking Day.  

And according to Donna, one of the leader's of the sleepover, who sent me a Facebook message at 3 a.m., my kids will be zombies today.  Must have stayed up too late last night.  So maybe they will all want to take a nap this afternoon.

Here's hopin'.



Anonymous said...

Sounds like it turned out to be a very fun time anyway :)
And if you decided to clean out the DVD collection, feel free to send some my way! We're trying to get some kids DVDs together since we currently have oh...1 that is not holiday related haha.

Laura said...

I was wondering this morning if you were running! Soooo cold! Sounds like your day turned out pretty nice. :) Well I guess it was the night you wrote about.