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Monday, October 4, 2010

The Great Pumpkin Massacre

I was telling you how Doug took the kids to the annual Farm Tour and bought them each a pumpkin.  That just tickled me pink.  Or orange rather.  :)  I love pumpkins.  They just scream fall to me.  And I love fall.  All the colors, the crisp air, time to break out the sweatshirts and sweaters, cook soups in the crock pot.  Love it.

Now we don't do much as far as Halloween goes around here.  I just don't like all the ghouls and goblins and stuff that goes with that "holiday".  But we do usually carve a jack-o-lantern or two.  

However, this year the boys decided to color faces on their pumpkins instead of carving them.  So with my trusty 30 pack of Sharpie markers in hand, they set to the task.

Here's a before picture.  Keira's is the biggest pumpkin, 
then Nick's, then Alex chose the cute little one.

Alex working hard on his little pumpkin.

Nick with his determined look.

Alex trying to decide if less is more.  He decides it's not and keeps going.  :)

Such concentration.

Here's Alex's work of art.

And here's Nick's five-faced pumpkin.  :)

Notice the spider on the top of the middle one?  And the blood coming out of the stem in the lower right?  Yeah, he thought of everything.



Anonymous said...

very cute pictures! I like the "less is more comment" so funny. Where's Keira's finished pumpkin?

Jenna said...

AW how cute!! They are so creative!

Laura said...

Looks like fun! I'm still trying to decide what to do with ours. Right now they are decorating the steps. I know. Exciting.