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Sunday, September 12, 2010

How absurd is that?

Doug went to the dentist the other day for his 6-month cleaning and check-up (which actually ended up being 9 months because he couldn't remember when he had been there last, but that's not the point of this post.)  While there his dentist, who also happens to be my dentist, found that he has a broken tooth and an infection in his gums that he was unaware of.  How he was unaware of it ... I don't know.

Anyway, our dentist gives him a script for penicillin and schedules him for a follow up appointment in a few days so they can take care of the problem.

Doug went to get his script filled and when he picked it up, he asked Darla (the girl that works at the pharmacy - we know her because she went to school with my sister, not because we frequent the pharmacy :) - he asked her how much he owed.  She said "nothing."  

He was like, "um, why?"  

She said, "This one's on the government."


My husband works hard for a living.  Makes a very adequate income.  Has health insurance that we pay for.  And was expecting to have a co-pay when he picked up his medicine.  Just like he usually does.

But I guess, thanks to the government, even people who don't need government assistance are getting it anyway.

Now how completely absurd is that?!

Just needed to vent.  Thanks for listening.  Or reading, rather.  :)

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