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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Girl Talk Hop: SHOES!

It's blog hoppin' time at Girl Talk!  Their very first blog hop!  And the subject?   Shoes!

I'm not a big fashion person.  I'm much more about comfort than fashion.  Not to say that I don't want to look good.  I'm just not up on the latest fashion trends.  I wear what I like.  And if it isn't comfortable, I won't wear it.  At least not a second time.  :)

I only own a few pairs of shoes.  Most of them are probably running shoes.  I have a pair of flip flops, but I don't like the thing between my toes, so I don't wear them much.  In fact, I usually only wear them when I shower at the gym.  Except I did put them on yesterday and walk up in the back yard to look for the caterpillar we saw the other day (it was gone, in case you were wondering), and they got covered by wet grass.  So they are currently in the basement waiting to be brushed off.  :)

I own my black sandals that I wear all the time.  They're not real pretty but they are comfy.  I used to call them my ugly shoes, but I don't think they are so ugly anymore.  :)

My favorite pair of shoes right now would have to be these ...

My running shoes.  If I had known they were going to feel so good on my feet when I run, I would have bought a few more pair.  :)  I usually buy Nike but when Doug and I were at the outlets, the Nike store didn't have any clearance shoes in his size.  And he refuses to spend $90+ on a pair of sneakers.  So we went to Reebok.  He found a pair in his size that he liked, they were on clearance and on sale - BOGO 1/2 off - plus an additional 15% off.  We paid like $14.99 for them after all was said and done.  These shoes, on the other hand, were $40.  Marked down from $80.  I didn't really need new running shoes at the time, so I put them away for a couple weeks.  Then my (now) old pair of running shoes started rubbing the back of my foot, so I was glad that I had these.

I own a couple pair of dressy shoes/sandals.  They pretty much only get worn to church.  :)

I am thinking about buying a pair of cool-looking boots for the winter.  Just because.

Keira, on the other hand, has a shoe fetish.  She always wants to shop for shoes.  She starts foaming at the mouth when she sees a shoe store.  :)  She thinks she needs to have a different pair for each outfit she owns.  (She doesn't, by the way.  But she would if I would let her.)  She's going to have to get a job soon to support her shoe habit.

The boys will wear whatever I buy them.  Nick goes through shoes like crazy, so I don't spend a lot on them.  It doesn't matter if I buy him a better brand of shoes, he will still ruin them just as quickly as a cheap pair.  His summer sandals will be heading into the trash soon.  They've done their job and then some.

Alex is still in love with his Toy Story boots.  They are starting to look like he's worn them all the time.  I bought him a pair of Toy Story sandals for next summer (got them on clearance) and he gets mad when I tell him he can't wear them now.  They're too big but he wants to wear them anyway.

Most of the time, my kids kick their shoes off when they go outside, so I don't know why they bother to put them on at all.  Then they leave them outside and look frantically for them in the morning when it is time to leave.  You'd think they'd learn.  *sigh*

So that's more than you wanted to know about shoes from my part of the world.  Stop on over at Girl Talk and join in the hop!


Anonymous said...

I used to have so many pairs of shoes, but after years of being at home I was down to next to nothing,my supply is very slowly building back up. I LOVE boots in the winter and I only have two pair, I REALLY want another pair. Summer...it's all I can manage to put on a pair of flip flops!

Laura said...

Yay! Thanks for joining in!

I like your shoe picture! And nothing better than a good deal on a pair shoes! They can get expensive!

Right now I like to go to Ross to look for shoes other than sneakers. I find them cheap. I have a pair of black heels I wear all the time that were only $12. Might be a good place to take Keira. :)