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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Missed Opportunities

I have been trying to remember to take my camera with me everywhere I go.  And oftentimes when I forget it, a great photo opportunity presents itself.  That is what happened this week.

My kids were attending a Vacation Bible School at a friend's church near my in-law's home this week.  It was from 5:30-8:45 every evening.  Not a big deal, except that meant we had to eat dinner at 4:30 in order to leave by 5:00 so we could be on time.  Didn't happen.  All 5 days the kids were late.  :)  

Anyway, Monday evening I came home and mowed the front yard.  Doug was working 3pm to 3am Sunday through Wednesday, so he didn't really have the time or the energy to do it.  Tuesday evening I ended up coming home and reading.  By Wednesday evening I called my in-laws to see if it would be okay if I hung out at their house so I didn't have to keep putting 60 miles on my car each evening.  (15 miles each way x 2 - Yikes!)  Of course, they said yes.  I told them I wouldn't be a bother.  I had a book I was reading and I would just sit out back on their swing and read.

My mother-in-law chose to skip church Wednesday evening since I was there.  We sat out in their back yard on their swing and talked.  I didn't get much reading done.  :)  While sitting there, we noticed a hummingbird buzzing around.  Not an uncommon sight at her house since she has a hummingbird feeder.  But I didn't have my camera with me because the battery needed charging, so it was at home.  Bummer.  No hummingbird pictures.  :(

Then as we sat there and talked a while longer, we noticed a spider spinning a web between two of her trees.  It wasn't a very big spider, probably no bigger then 3cm.  But it was the coolest thing!  I don't think I've ever seen a spider actually in the act of spinning a web before!  And my camera was at home!!!  Double bummer!

My MIL went in to get her cameras.  She has a pocket digital and an old SLR.  I took a couple pics with the SLR and out of habit looked at the back for that instant gratification I am so accustomed to.  Ugh!  It was a film camera and didn't have that little screen in the back to show me the picture I just took.  The little digital camera had a hard time knowing what to focus on, so those pics didn't turn out the greatest.  I told my MIL to let me know when she gets the film developed so I can see the web pics.  Hopefully they turn out.  I'm so glad I switched to a DSLR!

A month or so ago when I had to take Keira to the doctor for strep throat, we passed a house that had a row of pink flamingo lawn ornaments in the front yard.  There must have been 25 flamingos!  All in a row.  Most facing the road but a few facing sideways.  It was the funniest sight!  And I didn't have my camera!  I could see the photograph in my brain.  So the next day Nicholas and I were out running errands or something and I decided to drive back down that way with my camera to get a picture.  But they were gone!  Ugh!  I was so disappointed!

So now I've been trying to remember my camera every time I leave the house.  Most times I don't take any photos.  But just in case, I'd rather have it with me.  I hate missed photo opportunities!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Oh it always seems like i leave my camera when I shouldn't...don't you wish camera phones took photos as awesome as our dslrs?