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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bronchitis ... again!

I don't really get sick too often.  Maybe some sniffles here and there, but never really sick.  But when I do get sick, I do it right.  My body skips the cold and goes straight to bronchitis.  I can usually tell within a few days that I have it.  I've just become accustomed to how I feel.  

So even though I've only been feeling icky for a few days now, I went to the doctor last evening because I knew.  I could feel the heaviness in my chest.  Bronchitis was setting in.

Going to the doctor is merely a formality.  I just need him to say, "Yes, you are right.  You do have bronchitis." and give me a script for Z-Pak to make it go away.  It was nice that my doctor's office has new "extended" hours now.  I wasn't expecting to get in last evening.  Especially since I didn't call until around 3:00.  I thought they'd squeeze me in sometime this morning.  So when she said "6:30 tonight", I was pleasantly surprised.

It actually worked out really well.  I dropped the kids off at VBS at 6:00 and went to the doctor ALL BY MYSELF.  A rarity for me.  Especially during the summer.  And then I got to go to the grocery store ALL BY MYSELF to pick up my script and a few other things.  I wrote about my experience there yesterday in case you missed it.

Of course, I ran into 3 people that I know at the grocery store.  Why is it you always run into people you know when you're not at your best?

Anyway, I took my first 2 pills as soon as I got back into the car.  I am feeling somewhat better today.  Not good enough this morning to make it to the gym though.  Hopefully tomorrow.  I figure I need to take it easy in order to get better quicker.  Otherwise I'll be down and out again in a few weeks.  And I don't have time to be sick!  I have a 5K to train for!

My week while the kids are in VBS isn't exactly working out the way I had planned.  My plan was to take my laptop to Panera every evening and work on some photo books from Artscow.  But Monday I did a little shopping - groceries and such.  Tuesday I did go to Panera with Laura and her book club.  That was fun, even though I wasn't feeling great.  Last night I went to the doctor.  

Tonight, however, after I run a few quick errands, I plan to sit at Panera, which is only about 1/4 mile from the church my kids will be at, and work on a photo book.  I just need to remember to bring a sweater since it is usually freezing in there.  And I'll probably be sipping hot tea ... even though it is like 90 degrees outside!

On a positive note, it has been since September 2009 that I've had bronchitis.  So if I go another 10 months before getting it again, that'd be a good thing.


Melissa said...

ugh - bronchitis is the pits! hope you feel better soon!

Laura said...

Remember those conversations about healing?? Why don't you use it for your bronchitis? I mean... do you really need to get it a few times a year?

Ahhhh! Sorry. I couldn't resist haha. On a more serious note... I hope you feel better soon.

Unknown said...

Melissa - thanks!

Laura - ha ha!