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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So she's NOT a hunting dog

Doug was outside the other evening burning when he came into the house to tell me that Honey is NOT a hunting dog.  There was a rabbit running through the yard.  Honey spotted her, watched it for a moment, hopped toward it a few times, then planted herself and watched.

Here's Honey - eyes glued to the rabbit ...

And here's the rabbit ...

She sat in the yard for a good 10 minutes just watching the bunny.  About 30 feet away.

The bunny finally made its way into the neighboring trees, then Honey came running down through the yard toward me with her tail between her legs (I had moved closer to the house by this time) like she was scared.

I assured her the bunny wasn't going to hurt her, so she ventured back up to sniff around and check things out.

So she's not a hunting dog.  At least not a good one.  :)


Melissa said...

HAHAHA! This totally cracked me up!! Especially b/c my dog (a shih tzu!) would have been after that rabbit!!! He is always trying to hunt squirrels! & i try to tell him "you're a shih tzu! you're not a hunting dog!!" You'd think mine would act like yours & yours would act like mine. LOL.


Jenna said...

aw, poor honey...

She's a beautiful model though!