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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Just a few random thoughts

If you read my last post, you will know that we had a really rough night last night, so my brain is scattered today. So I just wanted to share a few things that have happened or I have learned over the past few days.

People drive even more stupider (more stupidly, more stupid? - you know I'm tired when my grammer isn't quite right :) ) when it is raining. I went home for a bit on Sunday to shower, get a change of clothes, etc. once I found out we were going to be here for at least a couple more days. It was raining. The ride home wasn't so bad.

On the way back to the hospital, my new wiper blade that Doug gave me for Christmas (yes, he's quite the romantic), started to come off the top end. I stopped and pulled it back into place and called him to tell him and make sure it was okay to continue on. The little plastic piece that holds it on was missing. He said just to run the wipers on delay and it shouldn't be a problem.

Well the closer I got to Pgh., the harder it was raining. So I passed by an Advanced Auto Parts store, turned around and stopped in. I pulled the rubber wiper off and took it inside with me. I explained what happened, he asked my my car's year, make and model. I was sort of like um, I think a 2006 Ford Windstar ... no Freestar ... I don't know. It's a van.

He's probably thinking geez, what's up with this chick? Hey, I'd only gotten 3 hours of sleep the night before and then I drove an hour to get home and a 1/2 hour or so back ... in the dark ... in the rain. My brain was fried. But he got me what I needed and he even came out in the rain to install it for me. I was so grateful.

Back on the road. Farther down some jerk pulled out in front of the guy in front of me. Like right in front! It is hard enough to see and maneuver around all the water laying on the roads. But he (or she) nearly caused a potentially big mess. Ugh!

My Nicholas is so sweet. When I was home on Sunday for just those couple hours, he had been creating things (pictures, drawings, things cut out of paper, etc.) for when Keira comes home. He probably went through a whole roll of tape sticking them all over the walls. I couldn't be mad at him because his heart was in the right place.

One of the hardest things about being here is listening to babies cry or scream. When Keira was having her ultrasound done yesterday, there was a baby in the adjoining room really, really crying hard. It was making me cry. I hate that sound.

Then last night a couple rooms up from us, a baby was crying but it sounded like he was barking. He was being transferred to PICU but his mom decided to take a shower at the last minute. (Our PCT was telling me this even though she's probably not supposed to). The poor baby sounded horrible. Again, making me want to cry. What is wrong with people? I can understand wanting to take a shower, but from what I understand, she had about 4 hours notice before the baby was to be moved. Why couldn't she shower earlier instead of making the poor baby suffer?

I am so appreciative of the outpouring of love, concern, and prayers we have gotten since all of this has happened. Offers of babysitting, visits from friends and family, people offering to do whatever. It has been wonderful.

Keira had her PICC line inserted today. That was a bit traumatic for her so she's napping right now. She wasn't supposed to be able to feel anything because they numbed her arm, but she's a bit sensitive to things, so I think she may have thought she was feeling more than she actually was. Does that make any sense? Anyway, it is in. And it is purple - her favorite color. Or at least one of her favorites.

The surgical nurse was just in and told me that we may actually be able to go home tomorrow. That will depend on how Keira is feeling. If her fever has subsided. If she's feeling well enough to eat. If she's drinking enough fluids and can get off the IV saline. I'm praying that all that happens because I would really like to go home now.

Then a visiting nurse will come and show me how to administer her antibiotics through the PICC line so I can do it - twice a day until Feb. 9. I'm not sure yet when she will be allowed to return to school. The nurse and the coordinator who was just here seem to think she'll be able to go when she feels well enough. I will call the school to check on that.

The hospital itself is really nice looking. However the neighborhood it is in - not so much. There are a bunch of run-down looking businesses and row houses nearby. I can see quite a bit being on the 8th floor. It just seems ironic to me that they would choose here to put a Children's Hospital.

Well, I'm going to go get some yummy hospital food for lunch now.

I will keep you posted on how things are going. Thanks, again, for all the support and especially your prayers!

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