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Friday, November 6, 2009


We somehow managed to get a few nice days this November. Sunny but chilly. Warm enough to play outdoors for a little while.

We broke out the bubbles yesterday. The kids and dog love to chase (and eat) them. Here are a few pics of our fun ...

Nick trying his hardest to blow bubbles. He finally managed it.

Honey chasing the bubbles and eating the ones she could catch.

This was the shot I was trying over and over to get (sort of). Look how high she jumps to catch a bubble! Too funny!

I tried and tried to get a pic of Honey jumping up high to catch a bubble. But I found that it is really hard to when I'm the one blowing the bubbles and taking the pictures! I did finally manage as you can see, once Nick agreed to blow some bubbles. Although this isn't exactly the shot I was hoping for. But it is close enough.

She took a really long nap in the afternoon after all our bubble fun.

Hopefully we'll get outside to play again today.


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