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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder

When you look at this picture, what do you see?

(Besides the plastic container that should be in the recycle bin) I see potential. I see a beautiful house. My house. The house I've been longing for these past 12.5 years. You see, in these boxes is vinyl siding - color: Willow. The guys dropped it off on Thursday because they will be putting it on our house starting Monday morning at 8:00.

We moved into this house in January 1998. We have been working on this house since December 1997 (before we actually moved in). You name it, we have probably done it to our house. Replaced windows, replaced the roof (rafters, sheeting, everything!), completely gutted the bathroom and started over, installed insulation because there was none (none!!!), ripped out walls and put up new ones, installed new ceilings, new carpet, new paint, etc. During all this time we've also had to have a new water well dug, bought a new furnace and air conditioner, and installed a whole-home water filtration system because the water sucks!

During all this repair/renovation, slowly but surely, the siding that once was on our house has come off. We've been working on our house as the budget allows instead of going deeply into debt. So a window or two at a time ... well, you can see how that would take some time. As the windows got replaced, the siding came off, the silver insulation went up. My house has been "the silver house" on my road for long enough.

Please don't take this as me complaining. Doug is awesome when it comes to this stuff. He amazes me at what he knows how to do. He has done 95% of the work on our house over the years (his dad helped with the roof and we hire an electrician to do the hot wiring). He is great! He does not, however, want to do the siding. He wants it done. Now. So after all this time, the company we chose to do it will be here ... Monday! I'm so excited, I can't even stand it!

I will post before and after pictures next week so you can see the transformation.

Now to just get my scrapbook room and the kitchen done. Patience. Not an area I am strong in. :)

Thanks for stopping by! Until next time ... God bless!

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