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Showing posts with label church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts

Monday, February 16, 2015

Weekly Summary ~ 2/8/15 - 2/14/15

Ah, February.  Why are you so cold this year?!

I am excited that it is already February 16th though.  More than halfway through the month!  March and hopefully warmer temps will be here before we know it!  At least I keep telling myself that.  :)

The kids had school cancelled today because of the cold.  Originally they were supposed to have the day off for President's Day but they lost it because of a cancellation in January.  Now they will lose another of their Easter vacation days.  I think they will only have Good Friday off now.  That's a bummer.  If they have any more cancellations, days will probably be tacked on at the end of the year.

Anyway, let's get on to last week's photos ...

{February 8:  In my bag}
February 8:  In my bag
In my bag I have been carrying a crocheting project I am currently working on. I'm not good at being idle so if I ever have to wait for a few minutes, I pull out my project and work on it. I figure it is better than spending time messing around on my phone.  :)

{February 9:  Energy}
February 9:  Energy
Our sweet golden, Honey, doesn't have as much energy as she used to, but she will still jump up to get a snowball to munch on.

{February 10:  This inspires me}
February 10:  This inspires me
This inspires me to try to photograph frozen bubbles again. This photo is from January 2014 when it was so bitterly cold that bubbles would freeze. It was an interesting experiment. But I prefer to play with bubbles on warm, summer days.  :)

{February 11:  On the wall}
February 11:  On the wall
The walls in the preschool room at our church are painted with a Noah's Ark theme. This particular section has elephants painted on the wall.  One of the lovely and talented ladies from our church did all the painting. Isn't it amazing?!

{February 12:  Pointy}
February 12:  Pointy
A coneflower in the winter isn't nearly as pretty as a coneflower in summer.  

{February 13:  Temptation}
February 13:  Temptation
The temptation was too great for her. She had to get up to eat the treat.   :)

{February 14:  Love}
February 14:  Love
Even though we don't usually do anything for Valentine's Day, this year my love bought flowers for me and Keira. A bouquet for each of us. How sweet of him!

Linking with Tamar:

My quick rundown of the week:
Nick stayed home from school on Monday not feeling well.  He had thrown up Saturday night, felt fine on Sunday, then threw up again Sunday night and Monday morning.  A friend suggested I get him tested for strep since it can have some strange symptoms, so we went to see our doctor.  No strep though, just a virus.  He was feeling better and went to school the rest of the week without incident.
Tuesday morning we had a VBS meeting at church.  It may seem a bit early to start planning VBS but there are a lot of things that need taken care of early.  
Tuesday afternoon a friend came over so we could experiment with some crafty stuff.  I will share what we did another time.
Wednesday morning I had breakfast with another friend.  We have some things in common and had a nice time chatting.
Wednesday afternoon I took Honey for a nice, long walk at a local state park.  The sun was shining and the temperatures were above freezing, so I decided to enjoy it while I could.  We had a nice walk.  It felt great to be out in the fresh air.
Thursday morning Nick had volleyball practice again.  They are scheduled to play their games this Thursday but the weather might interfere with that plan.  I think the high temp for the day is supposed to be 10 and the low -8.  So we'll see.
Friday the kids had the day off of school for an inservice day.  We didn't really do much.  Just hung around the house being kinda lazy.
Saturday was soccer as usual.  Except that it was picture day.  I always buy the smallest package just so I can get the group picture.  I don't think I have ever done anything with the photos from previous years, yet anyway.  Eventually they will go in Alex's scrapbook.
After soccer we went to lunch and then to Michael's to get more paint for Alex's Titanic model.  Doug said we needed to some touch-up paint.
That's about it!  Nothing too exciting!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Weekly Summary ~ 12/28/14 - 01/03/15

Happy New Year!

Thus ends another week.  And another year!  They do seem to fly by as I get older.

Here's what last week looked like ...

{December 28:  Book}
December 28:  Book
My kids love to sit and look at a scrapbook from time to time. Usually they look at their own books, but occasionally they will pull out one of their siblings' books so they can snicker and giggle over the photos inside.   :)

{December 29:  I need less of this ...}
December 29:  I need less of this ...
I need less gray, cloudy skies and I need more sunshine!!!!!

{December 30:  Us}
December 30:  Us
Our most recent photo ... A friend took this photo of us (with my camera) on Christmas Eve. The wise man pointing at Doug's ear cracks me up. I should edit it out, but it makes me chuckle.

{December 31:  My best bit of 2014}
December 31: My best bit of 2014
It is so hard to narrow down 2014 to just one photo! I don't wish to minimize any people / places / accomplishments from this past year. But since 2014 was my best year to date in raising Monarch butterflies, I chose this photo. This was one of the last butterflies to leave my care. I successfully raised and released 172 Monarch butterflies in 2014. That just blows me away! My best year prior to this was 2010 when I raised 34. I'm excited to see what 2015 brings!

{January 1:  Sky}
January 1:  Sky
The sky at dusk - the view from our deck.

{January 2:  Something yellow}
January 2:  Something yellow
Cute, little Woodstock who hangs on our Christmas tree. He'll probably get put away tomorrow.

{January 3:  Me today}
January 3:  Me today
Alex and I went on a date to the movies this afternoon. I had intended to take our picture together there but forgot all about it, so this was taken shortly after we got home. (phone pic)

I'm still participating in Fat Mum Slim's photo a day challenge.  I wasn't sure I would continue in the new year, but I really enjoy it, so I'm sticking with it for now.  Maybe I will complete a full year (I started in April 2014) and then call it quits. Then again, maybe not.  :)

Not much happened here last week, which was great!  Lots of relaxing, watching movies, doing nothing.  I did leave the house a couple times just to get out of the house.  Moms need to do that sometimes.  :)  I picked up a new pair of sneakers for Nick who seems to go through shoes like crazy these days.  We had our New Year's Eve party at church.  Just food and a movie, but it was fun.  Got home in plenty of time to watch the ball drop on TV.  On Friday I took Nick to Chris's house for a sleepover.  He is like one of the family there.  Then Alex talked me into getting Subway for dinner.  Saturday Alex and I went to see Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb.  It was pretty good.  And we watched our Steelers lose to he Baltimore Ravens in the wild card playoff game Saturday night.  Boo!  

That was pretty much it!  Everyone is back to school today.  It snowed overnight (just a coating) and is really windy today.  But the sun is shining now, so all is good.  :)

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a great week!

Linking with Tamar:

Monday, May 5, 2014

Our 18th Week ~ 2014

Last week was a bit more relaxed than most weeks have been.  Sunday I attended a Spring for the Cure event to help raise money for cancer research.  It was a really nice time.  I saw some people I hadn't seen in a while, ate a great lunch with a bunch of ladies from church, and laughed a lot.  I also donated a photography package to the event and am looking forward to photographing the winner.  Monday I took a trip to Phipps Conservatory.  I shared some photos from that trip already so if you missed them, click on the link.  The rest of the week was mostly normal stuff.  Except for having lunch with my friend, Nikki, after Bible study on Tuesday.  It was a very rainy week.  Not much sun to speak of after a gorgeous day on Sunday.  Hoping this week is much more sunshiny!  :)

The photo a day challenge is still going strong now that we are into May.  I'm going to keep going as long as I feel inspired.  I will, at least, finish this month, since I hate starting something and not finishing it.  :)

Here is a peek into our week (haha, I made a rhyme there) ...

Becky Bday
I mentioned that Sunday afternoon was spent at the Spring for a Cure event.  Well, after church on Sunday night, we had a surprise birthday party for our Pastor's wife, Becky.  She was definitely surprised!  And this photo doesn't do the cake justice.  It was gorgeous!  It sparkled!

My interpretations of the April Photo a Day challenge by Fat Mum Slim on Facebook ...

{April 27 - Under My Feet}
I cheated on this day.  I was so busy with the luncheon and the birthday party, that I forgot about my prompt for the day.  So I used these tulips that I photographed on Monday that reminded me of the song "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" by Tiny Tim.  :)

{April 28 - Chaotic}
This glass sculpture by Dale Chulily at Phipps looks pretty chaotic.

{April 29 - Contrast}
I played around with some low-key photography with a little help from Alex.  I need more practice but my subject was getting antsy.  :)

{April 30 - Something Silly}
Something Silly
I was cutting out some items on the Silhouette for our Wednesday night kids' class so I decided to cut out some silly monster mouths in order to get a group shot for this prompt.  Don't ask how many shots we took.  I let each kid have a go with the remote.  Some are more snap-happy than others.  :)

{May 1 - Begins with J}
Begins with J
I was at a loss for this prompt, so in order to do something different, I chose this.  John, loo, head, potty - we all have at least one bathroom in our home.  Ours was the first room remodeled (out of necessity) when we bought our house 16 years ago and is in dire need of an update, hence the vintage processing.  Hopefully this year that update will happen!

{May 2 - Snack}
Decisions, decisions.  On one hand - chocolatey goodness.  On the other - a sweet, juicy apple.  One results in the need for hours of exercise to burn off the calories.  The other not so much.  Which would you choose?  :)

{May 3 - Collection}
When I told Alex what my prompt for the day was, he was eager to show off his Angry Birds collection.  He recently "acquired" it from Nick, who apparently no longer likes Angry Birds.

And here's something random:
Our mail man usually has a little treat for our dog, Honey, when he has to deliver a package.  Well, Monday he delivered a package and didn't have any bones.  He promised her he would get to the store and buy some so the next time, she would get her treat.  Tuesday I got home after having lunch with my friend, Nikki, to find this.  A little bone atop of the Painted Lady butterfly kit I had ordered.  How sweet is that?!  

I actually have more photos I could share, but I'll save them for another day.  My camera is feeling the love lately, that's for sure!  :)

Oh, and one last thing.  I'm hosting a giveaway over on my Facebook page, Kimberly Vensel Photography.  Go check it out and enter if you are interested.  Thanks!

Linking with Tamar.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 04.20.14

Hello!  Happy Easter!  He is Risen!  

As I prepare this post on Saturday night, I'm expecting that we are having a great time with family on Easter Sunday afternoon.  We are also celebrating Nick's birthday, which was last Sunday.  He's been so excited about celebrating his birthday.  I did a post about Nick turning 11 this week if you'd like to go check it out.

A friend of mine had a surprise birthday party for her husband last Sunday after church.  She had to trick him to get him to stay but he had a great time.  Alex was having a good time with our party hats.  :)

{selective color}
selective color
One of the flamingos from our trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo on Friday.  I actually didn't do any selective coloring on this.  This is the way I took the photo.

{close up}
close up
A close up of one of my hyacinths.

I used one the big fish tanks as a mirror to get a family selfie.  Minus Doug who didn't come because he had to work.

{bright colors}
bright colors
The rainbow that we were blessed to see this week was full of bright colors.  It didn't last long but it was gorgeous while it lasted.

Be sure to visit Ashley for more great Scavenger Hunt photos!
Thanks for stopping by!  Have a wonderful week!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Our 14th Week ~ 2014

I'm so excited that April is here!  April means more sunshine, flowers blooming, birds chirping, and the world waking from its slumber.

This week was kind of crazy.  Keira stayed home from school again on Monday because she still wasn't feeling well.  Nick came home from school on Wednesday with the whole right side of his face swollen, so we scurried right down to the doctor.  We were only scheduled to see Vanessa, the PA, but our doctor ended up coming in to help solve the mystery.  She ended up ordering blood work to check for mumps and mono.  I guess mumps is going around and since we don't immunize, they wanted to be sure.  (I'm not telling you this so you will lecture me about shots.  I did my research and made an educated decision.  End of discussion.)  I wasn't concerned about him having mumps.  If he did, great.  We'd just get them out of the way and he would be immune for life.

Anyway, I checked the symptoms of mumps when I got home and the only one that Nick had was the swelling.  No fever, no loss of appetite (ha! like that would ever happen!), nothing.  And only one side of his face was swollen.  So our doc thought it might be a clogged salivary gland.  Weird.  He had to miss school on Thursday which made him mad because he had a perfect attendance record this year.  By Thursday evening the swelling was completely gone and we hadn't heard anything from the doctor's office (I had called them to check), so Friday he went to school.  He just didn't see any reason to miss another day.  (Don't most kids like to stay home from school?)  :)  It is Monday night and we still haven't heard anything, so I'm assuming his blood work all came back normal.  I will call tomorrow just to make sure.

We had Family Fun Night at school Thursday night.  The science center came and set up stations for the kids to play at while they learned.  It was fun.

I started participating in Fat Mum Slim's photo a day challenge for April, so I picked up my camera every day.  I have no desire to do another P365, but I can do a photo a day for a month.

Here are some of the pics I took this week (that I didn't already share in Sunday's Scavenger Hunt post).

I shared this on Facebook, but I also have to share it here.  Alex was baptized on Sunday and was so excited.  I took pictures but I wish I would have had Keira record it also.  He was just so stinkin' adorable!

A random shot of the new ironing board cover I bought recently.  My old one was falling apart.  I'm not sure when this one will get used since I hate to iron.  :)

I splurged and bought myself a new tablet - a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3.  It is pretty cool.  I'm still figuring it out, but so far I like it a lot.  (I took this photo for April 2nd's prompt "in my hand").

I love getting photo books from My Publisher because when you open the box, this is what you see.  Ta-Da!  :)

Nick is excited because he will be getting my old Kindle Fire for his birthday.  He and Alex have been "practicing" on it for a few days now.  :)

The boys did well at their Bible Quizzing Invitational on Saturday.  Nick only missed two questions and got Gold; Alex got Bronze.  Nick is giving me his "I hate having my picture taken" face in this photo.

A woodpecker that visited our maple tree.  I haven't taken any bird photos in a while.  Mostly because I haven't had the time to sit and be patient for a good shot.  :)

So that was our week.  I hope you had a great one!

Linking with Tamar.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Our Ninth Week ~ 2014

Last week was not all that busy, but it still somehow got away from me.  The last week of February always seems like the longest.  Though I am excited that March is here now!  Even if it is still winter in these parts.  I didn't pick my camera up much last week, so I only have a few photos to share this week.

You've heard of fingerless gloves?  Well, Nick recently created toeless socks!  Seriously, this boy is tough on clothes/shoes/coats/everything!  :)

DSC_5855   DSC_5857
We spent Saturday morning at our church's Bible Quizzing Invitational.  The kids were pretending to be Olympians and biting their medals.  Nick earned a silver medal and Alex a bronze.  I'm very proud of both of them!  (And notice the orange shoelace?  His shoes are ALWAYS untied.  Drives me crazy!)

We have had some pretty cool sunsets lately.  And the earth is shifting (the sun was way farther to the left about a month ago) which means spring is coming!  YAY!

Linking with Tamar.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Our Sixth Week ~ 2014

Last week was one like none other.  (Of course, aren't they all?)  :)

I took pictures at a baby dedication on Sunday, spent the day at my church on Monday for craft day, hung out at the hospital photographing a labor/delivery on Tuesday, had the kids home on Wednesday due to school being cancelled (again!) because of snow, spent the day with Alex on Thursday because he wasn't feeling well, took Keira to her violin lesson and went to a PTO meeting Thursday afternoon/evening, on Friday took newborn photos and went bowling, watched Alex's soccer game Saturday morning and went to the symphony with Doug on Saturday night.  Whew!  No wonder I needed a nap Sunday afternoon!  :)

Our Pastor got to dedicate two babies on Sunday.  And they are cousins!  I loved seeing him holding two babies at one time.

Ted and Melody were loving on baby Emerson shortly after he was born.  Being involved in a labor/delivery was the coolest thing!  I hope I get to photograph more births.  Soon!  I shared another of Emerson's birth photos on Sunday's Scavenger Hunt post.  Can't share too many yet until mom and dad get to see them all.  :)

The sun was glistening off the newly fallen snow Thursday morning.  It was a beautiful sight!  If you'd like to see more of my latest winter photos, check out this post ... Winter Continues.

My friend, Jenn, brought baby Jonathan over on Friday afternoon so I could take some newborn photos of him.  He's such a doll baby!  Another photo shared of baby Jonathan in Sunday's Scavenger Hunt post.

My kids had a blast bowling on Friday night with our church family!

Looking back at all the photos posted here, I guess I was in a black and white mood this week.  :)

So that was my week.  What were you up to?

Linking with Tamar ...