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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 05.11.14

Hello!  And welcome to another Scavenger Hunt Sunday!  Spring has finally arrived here in western Pennsylvania!  In fact, we had a day of summer-like temps this week with more on the way, if the weather folks are correct.  No complaining from me!  I'll take it!  Just wish we had a little more sunshine and a little less rain.  Though I guess there are other parts of the country that are feeling just the opposite.  Strange how it works that way.

Anyway, let's get to this week's finds ...

A friend of Keira's created this beautiful drawing of her.  It is Keira in fairy form.  I just love all the details!  She obviously took her time drawing this and is very talented.

My babies are so precious to me!  Even though Alex is a little out of focus.  :/

I watched some hungry birds hanging around my feeder this week.  I didn't notice the one hanging upside down until I went to edit this photo, then I wished I had lowered my aperture a little so both birds would be in focus.  Oh well.

Water on a dandelion fluff always looks so cool.

{wide angle}
wide angle
Two different views of the same tree - one wide angle, one close(r) up.  :)

Thanks for stopping by!  Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day, whether you are celebrating your mom or being a mom yourself!

Be sure to visit Ashley for more great Scavenger Hunt finds!


Tamar SB said...

These are great finds! Love the old tree - what gorgeous lighting!

Enjoy your mother's day!

Brianne said...

Great shots!!

Jessica said...

Beautiful shots! The water shot is amazing!!