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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Our 19th and 20th Weeks ~ 2014

Since I completely missed last week's recap post, I have to bombard you with two weeks worth of photos.  Sorry!  I will keep the words to a minimum when possible.  :)

I am still participating in Fat Mum Slim's Photo a Day challenge, so that is what these are from ... (some days are missing because those are the days I used photos from my archives).

{May 5 - 4PM}
5. 4PM
The idea was to take a photo at/around 4PM and share it, so that's what I did.  This picture was drawn by a friend of Keira's.  It is Keira in fairy form.

{May 6 - From down low}
6. From down low
I had this idea to lay on the ground and take a picture up at the kids.  Keira was having a bad day that day and wasn't all that smiley.  And Alex is a little out of focus because I should have closed down my aperture.  Oh well, I still like this pic of them.

{May 7 - Taken from above}
7. Taken from above
A grape hyacinth.

{May 8 - Blue}
8. Blue
I was pressed for time and having a mental block, so blue food coloring in a vase of water would have to suffice.  :)

{May 11 - Mother}
11. Mother
My mom and sister came to visit on Mother's Day. Linda brought a bunch of old photos with her, at my request, so we spent some time looking through them and reminiscing.  We found my mom's senior photo and since the prompt was mother, I had her hold her senior photo from 1954.

{May 12 - Ready}
12. Ready
Our Painted Lady caterpillars were all in chrysalis as of Friday, May 9.  Not quite ready to join us as butterflies yet.  This particular one had fallen when I was transferring them from the cup to the butterfly house.  I looked up what to do and Google said it should be fine - just to lay it on a paper towel.  Thank you, Google!  :)

{May 13 - I spy}
13. I Spy
I spy ... the face of an old man.  Alex sees a smiley face.  What do you see?

{May 14 - Lines}
14. Lines
There are lines all around us.  We just need to look a little closer to see them sometimes.

{May 16 - Create}
16. Create
Only God could create such a fascinating creature!  (This was the first Painted Lady butterfly to emerge.)

{May 17 - Bag}
17. Bag
Alex put our bean bag chair on his head and said, "Look, mom!  I have a big brain!"

A quick recap of the past two weeks (more for me than for you, so you can skip this if you'd like)  :) ... 
last Bible study of the year :(
Grandparents' Day at the boys' school
Keira's school concert
my mom stayed with us Tuesday evening through Thursday evening in order to attend Grandparents' day and Keira's school concert - I love having her but it throws me off my routine.  :)
Staff Luncheon at the boys' school - I helped shop for, prepare food, and serve - whew!
Prom photo shoot - FUN!
Keira had a strolling strings gig at Kids' Day America
Doug and I drove down to his chiropractor's office to take advantage of a big sale they were having on supplements and we were going to go out to dinner until we pulled in the parking lot and remembered it was Mother's Day weekend.  :)  So we ate at home.
Mother's Day at my house - gorgeous weather - also celebrated my niece's birthday
my van got serviced/inspected
Alex got sick for a day and a half
visited a local apple orchard, took some photos of the blossoms and got to meet the owner who was very nice
had to postpone two photo shoots on Saturday because of the rain (but got them both in on Sunday)
we sold Doug's Hyundai, now we only have the Lincoln to sell.

I think that's about it.  At least that's all I can remember at his point!  Hope your week is going great!

Linking with Tamar ...


Tamar SB said...

Your macros are amazing, breathtaking, really!

Love the food coloring, too!

Linda said...

Awesome series of captures!